Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Haradinaj: We are with your pain every day and every year!

29 Mars, 2018

Premijer Haradinaj: Podrška Austrije potrebna za evropski put Kosova
Priština, 26. marta 2018.
Austrija će nastaviti da podržava Kosovo tako da i ubuduće biće važan partner u ekonomskom razvoju Republike Kosovo. Ovu podršku za Kosovo je ponovo potvrdila ministarka inostranih poslova Austrije, Karin Kneissl tokom susreta sa premijerom Ramush Haradinaj.
Na ovom sastanku, razgovarano je o političkim procesima kroz koje Kosovo prolazi, o svojim dostignućima u različitim oblastima, posebno u ekonomskom razvoju, ubrzavanje liberalizacije viza za kosovce, procesu evro-atlantskih integracija i dijaloga između Kosova i Srbije.
Premijer Haradinaj, izrazio je duboku zahvalnost za podršku austrijske vlade data Kosovu u različitim fazama i oblastima, a posebno u oblasti obrazovanja nudeći brojne obrazovne programe za kosovske studente.
Premijer Haradinaj izrazio je spremnost da se prodube međudržavni odnosi između dve zemlje, jačanjem ekonomskog i političkog partnerstva.
“Kosovo je zemlja velikih mogućnosti, ima ljudske resurse i povoljno okruženje tako da austrijski investitori dovedu njihove investicije na Kosovu”, rekao je premijer Haradinaj, tražeći podršku Austrije u procesu liberalizacije viza za stanovnike Kosova.
Ministarka inostranih poslova Karin Kneissl, je procenila napredak postignut na Kosovu, posebno Nacrtom zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o demarkaciji granice sa Crnom Gorom, navodeći potpunu podršku njene zemlje za ekonomski razvoj i evropske integracione procese.
Sastanku je prisustvovao i potpredsednik Vlade i ministar inostranih poslova, Behgjet Pacolli, zamenici premijera Enver Hoxhaj i Dardan Gashi, ambasador Austrije na Kosovu, Gernot Pfandler i ambasador Kosova u Austriji, Sami Ukelli.

Krusha e Madhe, March 26, 2018

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, paid homage and attended the Memorial gathering in honor of the 241 victims of Krusha e Madhe.
Recalling that 64 citizens are still missing, Prime Minister Haradinaj, in front of numerous guests, said that even after nearly two decades, this pain is in the heart, in our minds and in our lives.

Speech by Prime Minister Haradinaj:

We have come today on the anniversary of the sacrifice of the citizens of Krusha e Madhe, but also of many other places throughout Kosovo. There are a number of places that have a lot of pain. But Krusha and the pain here is special. We can not but remember Reçak, Prekaz, Izbica, Obrija, Celina, Fortesa, Meja, Suhareka, Kotlina, Podujeva, Pastaseli, Samadraxhë, Leshani, Makovci, Kishnica, Mitrovica, Gjakova, Rezala, Qikatova, Likoshan, Qirez, Lybeniqin, and so on.
So, remember, on the land of Kosovo just as this pain we feel today is full of places that have pain and a lot of families who feel this pain.

Even though it has been time, almost two decades, this pain is in the heart, mind, and our lives. Albanians have for centuries witnessed that they have the power to continue life, have the power to live, the power to show their vitality not to stop.

If it were not so, we would not be here today, we would not have children who are here, we would not have Krusha, which is not surrendering, but is still living and moving forward.

I am convinced that those who are not with us, our innocent sacrificed martyrs, and the honored professor Ukshin Hoti who is not only an ideologist of freedom, of Albanian law, but also a model of good patriot today in these day, they would tell us, do not stop, go ahead, like Kosovo and as a country!

Our right to freedom was achieved. It was also achieved with the help of NATO, led by America, but until the day of NATO intervention, many of us were sacrificed. The sacrifices did not stop there. And today, in your name, but if not, in my name, President of America, Trump, we can ask to end the Kosovo issue, so that Kosovo will go even further, because it has been left incomplete. So we say to Prime Minister of Great Britain, Theresa May, German Chancelor, Angela Merkel, and to the president of Serbia, Vucic, who says something should be given to recognize Kosovo, we will say, free your people and do not keep with the fear of the past; remember the tragedy of the people of Kosovo, its pain; understand these graves and these men who still have pain; recognize this pain; honor this pain, for it is good for your people!

Looking to get still from Kosovo in the name of mutual recognition is wrong.
Peace is achieved by respecting the pain of the other by respecting the right of the other.
We in Kosovo, Kosovo Albanians are interested in peace, forever, we are interested to never return the pain and tragedies. We do not know what to give for our right, our freedom, but our people here and those we can not find yet.

It is unfair to ask Kosovo for the final stage of recognition, something more. There is no other way for Kosovo. Kosovo has respected the commitment of the international community to the maximum. Kosovo is really interested in peaceful life, stability, for peace.

Communities are respected in Kosovo. We will preserve all who are people of this country, even Kosovo Serbs, but mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, can no longer do any new bargain because there is nothing left.
From Krusha, I tell everyone, ours and neighbors but also our friends, the time has come to close the wounds of the past in the Balkans, the time has come to stop rhetoric, the time has come to move forward. There is nothing that gives Kosovo more than the courage to move forward, not to forget, because the people who forget then it is repeated, the people who have the courage to move forward, as we had courage in 1999, to return to our homes and lands , as we have had courage with all those pains to continue life, as Krusha has courage to continue life, so we like Kosovo to have the courage to move forward but not forget. There is a big difference, the courage to move forward with oblivion. Forgetting makes us harm, the courage to move ahead makes us stronger.
Dear krushianë, honorable families of martyrs, fallen, missing persons. For me it is a great honor to be with you and remember, we are with your pain every day and every year.

Today, Prime Minister Haradinaj also commemroated members of the Berisha Family from Suhareka, killed and massacred by Serbian forces, 19 years ago.
Prime Minister Haradinaj also commemorated the martyrs of the Battle of Landovic, as well as the fall of the martyr Njazi Azemi-Commander Beard, fighter of the first hours of the KLA and UCPMB.

Before the participants abound in this commemoration also spoke Selami Hoti, head of the village, the mayor of Rahovec, Smajl Latifi, and Vajdi Berisha, representative of war veterans of the KLA.

Last modified: 29 Mars, 2018

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