Zyra e Kryeministrit

Kryeministri Kurti mori pjesë në pritjen lamtumirëse të Ambasadorit të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës në Kosovës, Jeffrey Hovenier

19 Dhjetor, 2024


Prishtinë, 19 dhjetor 2024

Kryeministri i Republikës së Kosovës, Albin Kurti mori pjesë sonte në pritjen lamtumirëse të Ambasadorit të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës në Kosovës, Jeffrey Hovenier, që u mbajt në ambientet e Ambasadës Amerikane në Prishtinë.

Në adresimin e tij, kryeministri Kurti u shpreh se në këto gati tre vjet sa ka shërbyer z. Hovenier si ambasador në Kosovë, marrëdhëniet e veçanta të Kosovës dhe Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës janë rritur në një numër rrafshesh – nga rritja e bashkëpunimit në fushën e mbrojtjes, sigurisë dhe inteligjencës, te mbështetja për zgjerimin e kapaciteteve energjetike të Kosovës, e te vlerësimi i parë kreditor i Kosovës. Në të gjitha këto fusha, por jo vetëm, kryeministri tha se puna dhe dedikimi i ambasadorit Hovenier kanë qenë qenësore në progresin tonë.

“Koha e juaj në Kosovë është definuar jo vetëm nga profesionalizmi dhe integriteti i juaj, por edhe nga humanizmi dhe mbështetja e juaj e palëkundur për popullin tonë”, u shpreh kryeministri.

Ai tha se Kosova dhe Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës gëzojnë një marrëdhënie të jashtëzakonshme dhe se Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës janë partneri ynë kryesor, një aleat i besueshëm dhe një mik i veçantë. Duke shtuar se miqësia jonë nuk është një miqësi e thjeshtë, njëdimesionale – por më tepër “3D” e bazuar në diplomacy (Diplomacy), zhvillim (Development) dhe mbrojtje (Defense).

Kryeministri ngrehu dolli për ambasadorin Hovenier, duke e quajtur atë një njeri të shquar, mik besnik të Kosovës dhe që do ketë gjithmonë vend në zemrat tona.

“Ambasador, dijeni që Kosova do jetë gjithmonë shtëpia juaj. Ne do të jemi këtu për t’ju mirëpritur – si një mik i dashur i yni”, tha kryeministri.

Fjala e plotë e kryeministrit Kurti në gjuhën angleze:

Good evening,
Madam President,
Dear friends, colleagues, and most importantly, our honored guest and host, Ambassador Hovenier,

Tonight, we gather not to say goodbye, but to celebrate a man whose contributions to Kosova have touched every corner of our society. Ambassador Hovenier, your time here has been defined not just by your professionalism and integrity but by your humanity and your unwavering support for our people.

During your almost three years as Ambassador, the special relationship between Kosova and the United States has grown on a number of fronts — from increased cooperation in defense, security and intelligence, to support for expanding Kosova’s energy capacities and get the country’s first-ever sovereign credit rating. In all of these areas and more, Ambasador Hovenier’s hard work and dedication has been essential to our progress. I am proud of all that we have accomplished together for the people of Kosova.

Kosova and the United States enjoy an outstanding relationship. The U.S. is our key partner, a reliable ally, and a special friend. This is not a simple, one-dimensional friendship—but rather a “3D” one based on: Diplomacy, Development, and Defense.

Ambassador, what sets you apart isn’t just your accomplishments but the person you are. I remember you sharing a beautiful tradition—listening to recordings of your father’s voice every Thanksgiving, honoring his wisdom and the values he instilled in you.

Greatness doesn’t happen by chance. It’s shaped by upbringing, and by the respect we have for our past. You’ve shown us that every step of your journey is grounded in principles. Your father would be immensely proud of the man you’ve become.

Dear Jeff,

your kindness extended beyond your official duties. I’ll always remember the thoughtful gifts you brought for my daughter’s birthday and during holidays — gestures that showed how deeply you care for the people around you.

We also owe a debt of gratitude to your wife, Laura, for being your partner in this journey. Behind every great diplomat there’s an equally remarkable spouse, and Laura has been a true friend to Kosova as well.

It is often said that all good things must come to an end. And so it is with Ambassador Hovenier’s latest tour of duty in Kosova. Indeed, Ambassador Hovenier’s service has been not only a good but a great thing for our country, and also, I hope, for him.

I believe that, in your distinguished career in foreign service, Kosova stands out as one of the countries that has made the most significant progress during your time there. We are curious to know who our closest competitors might be. You can also tell us if there are none. We’ll consider it as a parting gift.

The legacy you leave behind might well be an aporia: a threshold too high to reach, yet an invitation to transcend it. For the next ambassador, this inheritance is both a demand and a gift, that will both inspire and unsettle every step they take after your departure.

As you take the following steps in your endeavors, carry with you the deep gratitude of our people who hold a profound respect for the support and protection of the United States, but also a firm belief that the USA is the true guardian of democracy in its most essential form.

May the path you walk ahead reflect the same abundance and nobility that defined your service here. As you depart, take with you our best wishes and the hope that your journey will continue to inspire as it has here in Kosova.

Dear Jeff,

As you prepare for retirement, I can’t help but wonder—where to next? Hawaii? Some other, less known but even more exotic place? Wherever you go, we hope you take some time to relax, though I have to say, you’re always welcome back to Kosova as a semi-retired expat. Maybe a special advisor on fli and çaj, and a cold Coca-Cola standing by!

In all seriousness, Ambassador, know that Kosova will always be your home. We’ll be here to welcome you back—as a dear friend.

Let us raise a glass to Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier—a remarkable man, a loyal friend of Kosova, and someone who will always have a place in our hearts.


Last modified: 19 Dhjetor, 2024

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