Zyra e Kryeministrit

Legal Office (LO)

The Legal Office (LO) is an organizational unit within the Office of the Prime Minister, whose mission is to provide legal support for the work of the Office of the Prime Minister and the Government, to coordinate the work of ministries in the process of developing and improving the legal framework in Kosovo, and to ensure harmonization with the Constitution, applicable legislation, Acquis and international standards. LO also prepares proposals for draft constitutional amendments, draft international agreements to be signed by the Prime Minister, draft laws, draft by-laws and other draft legal acts from the scope of OPM.

Coordinates with ministries in the process of drafting draft laws, draft by-laws and other draft legal acts, examining their consistency with the Constitution and applicable legislation, as well as checking their quality with the standards of drafting legislation. LO coordinates with the ministries regarding the submission of requests for legal opinion to the Venice Commission and ensuring the implementation of the recommendations of the Venice Commission in draft legal acts. Examines the final versions of draft legal acts, which are processed for review and approval at the Government meeting proposed by the ministries and other proposing bodies whether they are in accordance with the Constitution, legislation in force, Acquis and drafting standards;

Coordinates with ministries in the process of Ex-Post Evaluation of Legislation, drafting and updating the Roadmap for Ex-Post Evaluation of Legislation based on best practices.

Legal Office consists of the following divisions:

Division for Drafting and Harmonization of Legislation;

Division for Supervision of Implementation of Legislation, Legal Support and Inter-institutional Cooperation in the Field of Legislation;

Division for Reduction of Administrative Burden through Simplification of Permits and Licenses;

Division of EU Law.