Zyra e Kryeministrit

Kryeministri Kurti diskutoi për anëtarësimin e Kosovës në BE me deputetë të Parlamentit Evropian

12 Dhjetor, 2022

Prishtinë, 12 dhjetor 2022

Me ftesë të deputetit të Parlamentit Evropian, Lukas Mandl, Kryeministri i Republikës së Kosovës, Albin Kurti, nëpërmjet një lidhje direkte iu adresua deputetëve të Parlamentit Evropian të cilët po merrnin pjesë në diskutimin e organizuar nga deputeti Mandl me temë “Aplikimi i Kosovës për anëtarësim në BE: Si do të jetë një sukses për të gjithë Evropën”.

Kosova është vendi i fundit në Ballkanin Perëndimor që aplikon për anëtarësim, u shpreh kryeministri Kurti, para se të rendiste disa nga arsyet kryesore të aplikimit e të cilat përputhen edhe me vet titullin e diskutimit.

Së pari, vendimi për aplikim në Bashkimin Evropian i përgjigjet thirrjes dhe aspiratave të qytetarëve të Republikës që thellësisht besojnë se e ardhmja e tyre është në Bashkimin Evropian, theksoi kryeministri.

Së dyti, shtoi më tej kryeministri, aplikimi përmbush dhe synon që ta realizojë premtimin e BE-së gati 20 vjet më parë në Samitin e Selanikut, dhe tash së fundmi në Samitin e Tiranës për një proces të përshpejtuar të anëtarësimit.

Së treti, besimi se momenti është i duhur duke marrë parasysh faktin se Kosova është vendi më demokratik në rajon, tha kryeministri Kurti.

Ai falënderoi deputetin e Parlamentit Evropian, Mandl për ftesën dhe mundësinë e dhënë, dhe në të njëjtën kohë falënderoi Parlamentin Evropian për mbështetjen e vazhdueshme për Kosovën, si në rastin e liberalizimit të vizave edhe në anëtarësimin në organizata ndërkombëtare, përfshirë këtu Këshillin e Evropës.

Në këtë diskutim pjesëmarrës ishin edhe deputeti i Kuvendit të Republikës së Kosovës, njëherësh Kryetari i Komisionit Parlamentar për Politikë të Jashtme, Haki Abazi, Raportuesja e Parlamentit Evropian për Kosovë, Viola Von Cramon dhe nënkryetarja e Komisionit për Politikë të Jashtme, Zeljana Zovko.

Fjala e plotë në gjuhën angleze e Kryeministrit të Republikës së Kosovës, Albin Kurti:

Thank you very much Lucas,
Good evening to you all,

I am pleased tonight to speak to you today about Kosova’s EU membership application and how it will be a success for all of Europe. One could not have chosen a better title.

Allow me first to apologize for not being able to be with you in person and enjoy this happy hour discussion in this festive moment of the year.

We are dealing with a pressing issue which is not new but it has reached new levels of threats and that is why I had to stay in Prishtina.

It is always a great honour and pleasure to talk with Parliamentarians. European Parliament is the backbone of democracy and our shared values but also our shared destiny. This understanding is reflected in your collective decision-making, where you have always found consensus on the future of the Republic of Kosova, be it on membership perspective, the signing of the SAA, visa liberalization and now our membership application.

As you know, Kosova is the last country in the Western Balkans to apply for membership. Having been recognized as a potential candidate a long time ago along with other countries in Western Balkans, we are now finally moving forward to turn our potential status into an official candidate status.

So I want to make some key points that I believe are relevant to the title of today’s discussion.

First and foremost, our decision to apply for EU membership answers the call and aspirations of our citizens who believe deeply that their future is within the European Union. As a democratic government that governs with their consent, this application answers to their call.

Second, our application honours and seeks to bring to life the EU promise made almost 20 years ago in Thessaloniki, but also most recently at the Tirana Summit where the EU called for an accelerated accession process.

Third, we believe the timing is right. Compared to other countries in the region, Kosova is the most democratic country, and is recognized so by international acknowledged indexes.

The World Justice Project has twice ranked Kosova first in the region for the rule of law and this year second in the world for improvement on the past year.

We have improved by 17 places both in Transparency International in our fight against corruption and 17 places in the World Press Freedom index. The EU country report acknowledges this progress and takes note of our efforts to strengthen democracy and rule of law.

Moreover, after the Russian aggression in Ukraine, there is a newfound sense of common purpose among European Union members to see more clearly the common threat. It has highlighted that democracy is central to the defense of peace and prosperity which means that we should defend the European Union as the most successful project of peace in Europe. As has been demonstrated, a prolonged accession process can result in fatigue in Europe and among EU members, even though it can bring regress to the aspiring countries as well. Although our continent is the world’s most democratic region, credible reports suggest that nearly half, 43% precisely, of democracies in Europe – a total of 17 countries – have suffered democratic erosion in the last five years. While at the global level, half of the world’s democracies are in retreat and the number of countries moving toward authoritarianism in the last six years has more than doubled.

That is why the time is right for Kosova, as the most democratic country that is advancing, to apply for membership in the home of democracy. It is a natural step that should be welcomed by democratic countries in the EU.

And my last point is to address the worries that some EU members have regarding our dialogue with Serbia for normalization of relations, especially the five members that have not yet recognized Kosova’s independence.

Kosova’s application for EU membership doesn’t in any way diminish our engagement in the dialogue. On the contrary, resolving the remaining disputes with Serbia is a reciprocal interest so that Kosova can become a full member of the European Union. Giving Kosova candidate status is only the start of our journey towards full membership and we are fully aware that to become EU members, Kosova and Serbia must recognize each other. But the process towards membership must not be stopped.

I am thankful to the five non-recognizers that despite their differences, they have shown constructive commitment through the formula diversity in recognition but united in engagement in advancing Kosova towards the EU, including the signing of the SAA.

Finally, I would like to thank my friend Member of European Parliament Lucas Mandl for the invitation and the opportunity to speak to you here today. I would also like to use this opportunity to thank the European Parliament for its continued support for Kosova i.e. on visa liberalisation, which is coming to an end, but also your support for membership in international organizations, including the Council of Europe.

I promise that next time I will do my best to be in person with you, either in Strasbourg or in Brussels and I wish you a lively and positive discussion.

Have a nice evening and thank you very much.​

Last modified: 12 Dhjetor, 2022

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