Zyra e Kryeministrit

Borderland owners by their request confirm marking of the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro

21 Gusht, 2016

The Republic of Kosovo in its territory has 38 municipalities and 1305 cadastral zones. All cadastral boundaries are measured with the precision required and are expressed in centimetres. The amount of the cadastral zone surface area within a municipality composes the surface area of the municipality. In this case the surface area of 70 cadastral zones belonging to the municipality of Peja creates the territory of the municipality of Peja in a surface area of 603 km2. Inside the administrative line of the municipality of Peja, in the cadastral zones are registered private properties, state, public and religious properties. Municipality of Peja has never included Bjelluha, Cakorr and Kulla within the territory of the administrative line of the Municipality. At the same time, the administrative boundary shown on the official maps of Kosovo are administrative borders between the municipality of Peja and municipalities of Plav and Rozaje of Montenegro. Administrative line between Kosovo and Montenegro, now the bo
rder of the Republic of Kosovo and Montenegro is identical with the border marked by the state commission.

It is a great advantage that citizen of Kosovo, especially those living in borderland, confirmed this several times before the state commission. From the field researches and based on the maps of the commission, it is also verified in the offices of the municipality of Peja that you will not find today or ever before information that Kosovo has made measurements beyond the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro and that has registered it as a Kosovo territory.

At the request of citizens and former Mayors of the municipality, the State Commission explained in the field and the office of former mayors explained: that resident citizens of the neighbouring state, particularly those living in the borderland, may have properties on both sides of Kosovo border with all equal rights under the national laws where the property is located. This means that a Kosovo citizen is the owner of the property on the other side of the border, namely has its property in the territory of Montenegro, but enjoys all the rights same as he was resident citizen of that state.

Based on these explanations of the commission, citizens of the municipality of Peja and Decan have submitted the lists of over 10 villages with their requests. These requests were addressed earlier in 2005, 2009 and 2013 in Rozaje, Berane and Plave but also in the Assembly of Kosovo. As it can be noticed in the requests of citizens, it is confirmed that: citizens have always paid taxes and obligations in the municipalities of Montenegro, because their properties were always recorded there since the establishment of those properties.

The list below contains the names and addresses of 37 citizens of the municipality of Decan and Peja, who have re-confirmed their properties in the cadastral zone Velika, municipality of Plav-Montenegro, which are located at the place called Bjelluha. The owners of these properties in the territory of Montenegro have the possession lists from the municipality of Plav throughout the period of 1974-2015, but even earlier than this period. These owners claim and provide documentation such as possession lists, invoices for payment of property tax there, and are properties in Montenegro even before the period of 1974-2015. This documentation is archived in the State Commission Secretariat.

With these requests of citizens for Bjelluha, addressed in the municipality of Plav, for the cadastral zone Velika, it is also confirmed by the citizens of Bjelluha and Cakorr that are in the territory of Montenegro. Confirmation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro was made by two former Mayors of the Municipality of Peja (Mr. Azem Lajqi and Mr. Ali Berisha) who had adopted development and strategic plans for the next two decades for the municipality of Peja, but without Bjelluha, Cakorr and Kulla. Approval of the borderline with Montenegro is also made by the current Mayor of the municipality of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri, because truly the municipality of Peja has had no other territory than the one administering now, within administrative boundaries.

Also at the meeting with the municipal leaders of municipalities in the borderline with Montenegro, from the period before 1989, it was clearly described the border triangle Kosovo-Albania-Montenegro all the way to Kuqishte. The description is in full compliance with the administrative border line with Montenegro that we have today and certainly was in 1974.

Therefore, if the municipality of Peja would have lost 82 km2 of the territory claimed, municipality of Peja would now have 521 km2, while if 82 km2 claimed are joined to its territory, municipality of Peja would have 685 km2. Consequently, the Republic of Kosovo would have 10988 km2. Kosovo has never had this surface area.

The attached map shows the territory of the cadastral zone Velika of the municipality of Plav with Bjelluha and Cakorr in the territory of Montenegro.

As shown in this map, the administrative line appears between the People’s Republic of Serbia and People’s Republic of Montenegro (O.No. Serbia, Srez Pecki, C.M. Kuqishte and O.No. Crna Gora, Srez Andrijevicki, C.M Velika). On this map it can be noticed that within the territory of the cadastral zone Velika-Plav is Bjelluha and Cakorr. These facts were available to the municipality of Peja, because fortunately the municipality of Peja is not damaged in this regard and everyone can go to see these facts.

Part of the map, created by the surveying measurements, for the cadastral zone Velika-Plav with Bjelluha and Cakorr. Within the territory of this cadastral zone Bjelluha and Cakorr are in the territory of Montenegro, in which territory are also properties of the Kosovo citizens. Dividing lines, administrative lines between the People’s Republic of Serbia and the People’s Republic of Montenegro has the same administrative line, identical and in continuity with the administrative line between SAP Kosovo and SR Montenegro, and now dividing line between the Republic of Kosovo and Montenegro.

The map and remark show that cadastral zone Velika, in the Plav municipality of Montenegro, is bordered with the People’s Republic of Serbia, with Peja district and with the cadastral zones of Kuqishte and Haxhaj. Therefore, this shows that, in addition to dealing with the border between the municipality of Peja and Plav municipality, we are dealing with the same line even by the administrative division between P.R. of Serbia and Montenegro, which were within Yugoslavia.

The State Commission has not created maps or new boundaries, but has marked the administrative line of SAP Kosovo based on existing lines, as shown in this map. 

Official documents produced by the main institutions responsible for the legality and the territory of then Province of Kosovo are of:

–    Assembly of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo, before and after 1974;
–    Provincial Department of Geodesy of SAP Kosovo before and after 1974 (Geodetska Uprava SAPK-Pristina, 1974). See Provincial laws on the Geodesy Department, which had powers similar to those of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency.

All these official documents show Kosovo in the same territory as it is now shown by the State Commission.

The State Commission with these facts and other facts offered continuously ensures that the Republic of Kosovo does not threaten any square meter of its surface area. All this is in accordance with the Constitution of 1974, according to the borders of SAP Kosovo dated 31 December 1988 and according to the current situation of 2016. This border line is in full compliance with the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Kosovo of 17 February 2008 and with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. Full compliance of marking the border line with Montenegro is also with all other official documents approved and signed by the current objectors of this border line.

Last modified: 21 Gusht, 2016

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