Honorable President Jahjaga,
Honorable Deputy Prime Ministers,
Honorable Ministers,
Honorable Members of Parliament,
Honorable KFOR Commander,
Distinguished NATO representatives,
Allow me, on my personal behalf and on the behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, to salute you at this majestic manifestation.
I am proud to be here today in front of you at this very important moment in the history of the Republic of Kosovo, which is celebrating the day of the Kosovo Security Force.
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Independence of Albania, and the festive atmosphere spread wherever we live is a natural, legitimate and meritorious same as for any other free and civilized nation.
On the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Albanian state, Kosovo has entered the 13th anniversary of the liberation and the 5th anniversary of Independence.
This is an extraordinary achievement, all you dear martyr family members, war invalids, honored veterans of Kosovo Liberation Army, dear citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, all you liberators of Kosovo. These are extraordinary and magnificent historical achievements for which generation after generation contributed and sacrificed.
In these days when we just started celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Albania, this ceremony here today is even more impressive because I believe that we all share the sense of pride and patriotism, but also the memory for all those who helped us in this long journey, who gave their lives and who are more deserving that we are here today:
In our journey as a free, independent, sovereign country, with clearer vision than ever – to become equal member of NATO and the European Union.
These are the days when we remember the challenges through which people of the Republic of Kosovo have passed, the fight for freedom, a time which was filled with pain and suffering but also pride, great pride of our soldiers, this pride that makes us strong today.
Today besides from the fact that we are an independent state on the verge of celebrating the 5th anniversary of independence, we have also created the Kosovo Security Force, a force created in close cooperation with NATO and the highest standards of NATO.
Respected guests,
Today we mark the day of the Kosovo Security Force, but we also mark the day when the force will be presented for the first time with the new uniform, which uniform will be the KSF identification symbol, but also of our national character.
The march of our boys and girls here today with the new uniform is the clear message of our vision – that Kosovo Security Force is working with the highest commitment to meet the highest standards of NATO so that in the near future becomes a member of NATO and contributor to peace and stability not only in the region but also in the world.
Kosovo Security Force is a new force but with great achievements. Within a short time KSF has worked to meet full operational capability, and now we rightly expect their approval in Brussels.
The Republic of Kosovo is on the right path towards membership in the European Union, but we still have to work to transform the country into a developed European country. Our citizens deserve this!
We have undertaken many reforms, but some of the reforms to be undertaken are still ahead of us. One of those reforms will be in the security sector, where we are in the process of strategic security sector review. We expect that the recommendations arising from the review process to be in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kosovo, but above all in compliance with the requirements and the needs of an independent and sovereign state, but also of standards and principles of NATO.
Respected guests,
Dear citizens of the Republic of Kosovo,
At the same time I also want to take this opportunity and thank the NATO advisory team and KFOR, with whose support we built the Kosovo Security Force, and with your continued support we will achieve that this force is transformed into a professional force prepared to fulfill our vision – NATO membership!
Congratulations on the new uniform and wear it with pride and courage! Thank you!
Respected guests,
Our war was just and in accordance with international norms; our war was for justice and to implement law and order, in alignment with the highest standards. Our war was to become an independent and sovereign state, so that our people could govern themselves on this land.
Our war and its values must be defended. No one has the right to defile the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its freedom fighters. No one, including EULEX, should, in the dark of the night, secretly and behind the back of the legitimate institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, arrest the freedom fighter, Fatmir Limaj and our co-fighters.
This is unjust, this is unacceptable, this is shameful, this is not justice, this is persecution; it is an insult and the greatest and most terrible offence done to us, at this time of celebration.
No one should abuse the trust of the legitimate institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.
We are sovereign in this country, we have a Constitution, and we have laws. We implement the justice required by our people, according to democratic standards. We are a modern and democratic state, sovereign and independent, with law and order, and with Euro-Atlantic goals and civilized values.
Congratulations on the celebrations!
Last modified: July 31, 2022