Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: the advancement of Kosovo’s European perspective with the feasibility study – the first concrete, unique step in support of the state of Kosovo

February 29, 2012

Prishtina, 29 February 2012

At the opening of the meeting, Prime Minister Thaçi stated that this meeting of the government of the Republic of Kosovo has its own particularity because, as you also know, yesterday the Council of Minister of EU has confirmed the advancement of the European perspective for the Republic of Kosovo through the feasibility study. This is the first concrete, unique step in support of the state of Kosovo – said Mr. Thaçi.

“Kosovo will be treated as all other countries, as equal, and this step, this standard is applied only for independent and sovereign countries recognized internationally as this will shorten the road to visa liberalization for Kosovo and it will proceeded with EU contractual relations” – stated Prime Minister Thaçi at today’s meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and added tat “we now have confirmed officially as well that we have sufficient votes for Kosovo’s membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development”.

“During the month of March we will apply as the Republic of Kosovo and will respect regular procedures in becoming equal members in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development” stated Prime Minister Thaçi.

The Government has approved the annual platform of the Intelligence and Security Policy for year 2012. According to Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, the annual platform of the Intelligence and Security Policy determines the objectives and strategic interests of the Republic of Kosovo in the area of security and the foundational priorities of the KIA work within the frames of its competencies.

Today the Government also approved initiatives for the Strategic Review of Security Sector. This review process, according to KSF Minister, Agim Çeku, will be completed until 2013 when it is expected that all limitation on KSF as foreseen in Ahtisaari plan will be removed.

The Government issued a decision for the establishment of the Government Committee for Reviewing the secondary legislation approved by the Government and the ministries. The review aims at reforming and making the regulatory framework more efficient towards the private economical activities and should include a revision of sub-legal acts issued by the Government, including sub-legal acts issued by the Ministries.

Today the Government approved concept papers for the supplementation of two laws of the health sector. The change and supplementation of the Law on Tobacco and the law on Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplant has been supported.

The Government allocated 85,555.00 (eighty five thousand and five hundred and fifty five) Euro for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the Military Attaché in the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Kosovo in Washington D.C, United States of America.

Aiming at supporting Municipal capital development projects, aiming at implementing laws and the Ahtisaari Package, the Government allocated additional funds from the state reserves for the Municipality of Shterpca, 400 thousand Euro, for Graçanica, 2000 Euro, and aiming at continuing some capital projects, it allocated 400 thousand Euro for the Municipality of Drenas.

For the public interests, the Government has decided for the expropriation of the immovable property of the cadastral parcel no. 600/6, cadastral zone of Polac, Municipality of Skenderaj.

The Government approved the draft Technical Protocol for the implementation of the agreed conclusions for the Integrated Border Management (IBM) arising from the dialogue of December 2, 2011.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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