Zyra e Kryeministrit

Budget 2012 – the clearest proof that this Government is fully in service of the citizens of Kosovo and their interests – says Prime Minister Thaçi

November 17, 2011

Prishtina, 17 November 2011

The address of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, in relation to the Kosovo Draft Budget 2012 in today’s session of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo 

Honorable President of the Assembly, 
Honorable MPs
Honorable members of the Government Cabinet 
Honorable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo

Today is a very important day for all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo and for all of us, because today we are going to approve the budget of Kosovo for 2012. 

The budget that we will approve today is very meaningful for many reasons. It is the budget of our successes, it is the budget of our kept promises and above all it is the budget of the dignity of our democratic state and of our citizens. 

This budget is the clearest proof that this Government is fully in the service of the citizens of Kosovo and their interests. 

The approval of the Budget 2012 comes as a result of hard work and diligent efforts by our institutions to build a budget that guarantees the economic development of our country and continuous improving of the welfare of our citizens. 

This budget is a proof of our efforts to push forward social inclusion through economic development and to improve the social welfare of our citizens. 

This financial offer foreseen for 2012 is the best proof how this Government is committed to work for the benefit of all its citizens regardless of their ethnic, civil or regional background and throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo. 

This budget has been based on realistic projections of incomes and expenditures at a time when the crisis has pervaded many European countries and it guarantees not only the meeting of the needs of our citizens, but at the same time it also guarantees an economic growth. 

Another characteristic of this budget is that it fully reflects the prioritized policies of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. The budget has been built based on policies of good governance and especially in line with the plan and vision for the economic development of the country, which best reflects our engagement to move ahead in strategic sectors, which also have a direct impact on the economic development of our country and creation of the best suitable environment for foreign direct investment.

Honorable MPs, 

This budget reflects an increase in financing for the agricultural sector, focuses on financing of capital projects, including here the most capital project – the Morinë-Merdarë motorway and other capital investments in the infrastructural sector, education, health, telecommunications and energy. 

The Budget 2012 is the best proof of our commitment to maintain fiscal sustainability and to secure full financing of public services which are in the service of our citizens, at this period of economic hardships, which not only Kosovo and the countries in the region are going through, but also some other developed countries in Europe. 

In fact, I can proudly say that while many countries in Europe have been faced with stagnation in their development, Kosovo has not suffered any setback or regress, but on the contrary it has managed to maintain a sustainable economic growth which will also be present in the years to come. 

So the projected growth for this year will be five percent. 

This is a proof that our policies are prudent and realistic, and it also reflects the undeniable vitality and skills of our citizens to face difficulties by always having a vision for the future. 
Honorable MPs
Honorable members of the Government Cabinet 
Honorable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo

Before I conclude my address, allow me to mention another very important fact. 

This budget has been prepared in full cooperation with our international friends, it has also been harmonized with the International Monetary Fund and that is a strong proof of our partnership with international financial organization, and evidence that Kosovo is ready to be an equal and responsible member of the international institutions. 
Honorable MPs
Honorable members of the Government Cabinet 
Honorable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo

In the end, I would like to say that this budget is the budget of economic development, of social welfare, of democratic reforms; it is the budget to strengthen the rule of law and to promote the European integration. 
Honorable MPs
Honorable representatives of all political parties, 

I would like to thank you for the cooperation you have shown in the process of the clarification of this budget  by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Hamzaj,

I thank you all for the criticism, remarks, suggestions and for your support. 

I invite you to approve this budget, to have a fruitful debate in the service of the state and interests of all the citizens.

This budget will be in the interest of the state and in the interest of all. 

Thank you!

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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