Prishtina, 31 January 2011
Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, in a commemorating academy marking the 14th anniversary of the fall of Commander Zahir Pajaziti, Hakif Zejnullahu and Edmond Hoxha
Honorable families, Pajaziti, Zejnullahu and Hoxha
Honorable families of martyrs,
Dear citizens of Kosovo,
Ladies and gentlemen,
In the calendar marking the heroic falls for the freedom of Kosovo, 31 January 1997 made history with the names of the first three pioneers of the Kosovo Liberation Army: Commander Zahir Pajaziti, Hakif Zejnullahu and Edmond Hoxha.
It was not long after the day of their fall when the Kosovo Liberation Army went public in the political scene, thus opening the most important chapter in the recent history of Kosovo.
KLA became a political and military force enjoying extensive support from all the people, as its ranks comprised of activists, leaders, soldiers, commanders, in a word the most dedicated sons and daughters who were bravely defying the age-long rule over Kosovo.
The fall of legendary commander, Adem Jashari, the affirmation of our just war for freedom, the maximal internationalization of the Kosovo issue, NATO military intervention and the Kosovo liberation were the sublime acts of age-long efforts of the people of Kosovo for freedom and liberation.
Ladies and gentlemen,
To reach this new époque of changes, a high price of sacrifice had to be paid.
It was a price which three freedom martyrs, Zahir, Hakif and Edmond paid for freedom 14 years ago.
Zahir Pajaziti had dedicated his entire life to prepare and educate spiritually and physically and also in the organizational aspect to defy the Serbian administrative structures in Kosovo
He was part of the major political events that led to a turning point in the recent history of Kosovo by organizing and actively participating in the demonstration of 1981.
Zahir Pajaziti will be remembered for his high organizational skills and exceptional operational abilities in the first units of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Zahir Pajaziti was amongst the most distinguished commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Therefore, we humbly kneel in front of the names, acts and lives of Commander Zahir Pajaziti and his fellow combatants Hakif and Edmond
His two fellow combatants Hakif Zejnullahu and Edmond Hoxha shared the same dignity and commitment and were characterized with a spirit of sacrifice, determination and courage to act.
Their names exemplify a life in dignity
They were embodied with the best traditional values of our people, like:
Love for the motherland, a pure idealistic spirit, a defying spirit, readiness to act, courage, bravery and their willingness to sacrifice for collective interests.
All these supreme values of a freedom-loving spirit were endowed in Zahir, Hakif and Edmond as members of the early structures of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
On the line of duty, they heroically fell on 31 January 1997.
Their names and acts along their courage and sublime sacrifice were an inspiration for freedom fighters.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, when we remember freedom fighters, Kosovo is an independent, free and democratic country recognized by 74 states.
Today Kosovo honors Zahir, Edmond and Hakif at the highest institutional level.
As part of this institutional care, families of martyrs, war invalids and KLA war veterans have been protected by a law.
On the 14th anniversary of the fall of freedom martyrs, Kosovo is about to conclude an important democratic process; beginning of the establishment of the institutions following the elections that have just been held.
Creation of all the preconditions for building of strong, legitimate and democratic institutions, – improving of welfare for all the citizens of Kosovo – and a vision for Euro-Atlantic integration are projects on which we will focus with the highest institutional responsibility.
Glory to the lives and acts of martyrs!
Last modified: July 31, 2022