Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: The Government of Kosovo will be uncompromising in fighting financial crime, corruption and the informal economy

August 27, 2008

Pristina, 27 August 2008
The keynote speech in the conference on “The prevention of financial crime, corruption and money laundering in Kosovo” was given by the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr Hashim Thaçi.
Taking part in the conference were also Ministers Ahmet Shala, Nekibe Kelmendi and Zenun Pajaziti, as well as the head of the Liaison Office of the European Commission in Kosovo, Mr Renzo Daviddi.
The speech of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, at the conference on ‘The prevention of financial crime, corruption and money laundering in Kosovo.”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Honoured participants,
As you know, the Government of Kosovo has produced a declaration of its policy priorities.
There are four key priorities which were identified and approved by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo:
¾     Economic growth,
¾     Implementation of the agreements on status,
¾     Good governance
¾     Social stability.
Within these priorities, the prevention of the functioning of the informal economy – including corruption and other forms of the black-market economy – are part of the fundamental priorities of the policies of the government which I lead.
The non-formal economy in Kosovo represents a considerable part of gross local production. It has a negative impact on the country’s development, consequently hindering both economic growth and the wellbeing of Kosovo’s citizens.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We must remember the Government of Kosovo’s motto for fulfilling its duty: “Zero tolerance towards corruption.”
Unfortunately, the Government of Kosovo is not helped by certain sectors, and is in fact hindered in its fight against corruption. There are still certain sectors within justice who have been comfortably sleeping on crime dossiers for these eight years.
However, I wish to send a clear signal to the citizens of Kosovo and to international organisations, that the Government of Kosovo is working with the greatest commitment to tackle corruption, financial crime and the informal economy in general.
On 28 April 2008 we held a conference in which I as the Prime Minister of Kosovo sought the beginning of preparation of the government programme for the prevention of the informal economy in Kosovo.
To this end, the Government created a governmental working group for the prevention of the informal economy. This working group is led by the Office of the Prime Minister and is aided by a secretariat of representatives of the appropriate authorities. This working group has prepared the governmental programme for the prevention of the informal economy in Kosovo, approved in the last meeting of the Government of Kosovo.
I will take the chance to give special thanks to the project, financed by the European Union, and to this project team for their help in preparing this programme.
I congratulate the working group team for their wonderful work, and I thank the Liaison Office of the European Commission for their help.
The programme put together with the Action Plan is an all-inclusive tool with the aim of tackling financial crime and corruption and the informal economy.
The Kosovo Government is now looking forward to the help of the Liaison Office of the European Union in the future too, to create a supporting project for the implementation of the programme in sensitive areas.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honoured participants,
Honoured ministers,
We are now in the initial phase of the implementation of this programme. I asked for the programme to be implemented in its entirety and for us to have a detailed work plan. The ministers have to be the appropriate authority in the implementation of the programme and to be accountable for all the steps taken.
I would like to express my respect for the work of the Minister of Justice, Mrs Kelmendi, as well as to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr Shala, and to all the people who have contributed with the best intentions and the greatest national responsibilities.
The monitoring and evaluation of the governmental programme for the prevention of the informal economy in Kosovo remains a permanent task for the Government.
The permanent government working group will report on the results of the implementation of the government programme’s identified objectives. The Government and the governmental working group must prepare regular evaluations of the reach and the implications of the informal economy and the results of the measures taken under the governmental programme.
Based on these findings, immediately at the beginning of 2009 preparations must start for the new governmental programme for the prevention of the informal economy during 2010 – 2011.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to emphasise that the Government of Kosovo will be uncompromising in fighting these illegal activities which are so destructive for our economy.
The Government of Kosovo will also be uncompromising towards those who hush up and hide crime, and to those who have responsibility for fighting crime and who do not speak out or who tolerate it, knowingly or unknowingly.
Everyone one, without exception, must respect the law.
No-one is above the law, and the fight against the informal economy, the fight against corruption, the triumph of the motto “Zero tolerance of corruption,” can only be successful when deep-rooted reforms begin in the justice system.
The Government cannot fight corruption when Justice tolerates corruption and does not speak out against it.
So I invite the citizens of Kosovo to support the Government in all its efforts, in the fight against organised crime and other forms of the informal economy, and against corruption.
I especially call on the instruments of justice, particularly prosecution, to move into action, to wake up from this inertia, and to do their job in an efficient way in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, the laws that are in force and above all else, in accordance with the interests of the citizens of Kosovo.
Each criminal act which goes unpunished is more than a crime, and this non-punishment of crime has an impact, by which I mean the destruction of our state which we have created with such great effort and sacrifice. By this destruction I mean the growth of poverty and the ruin of our children’s future and our democratic institutions.
The Government which I lead is therefore deeply committed to not allowing anyone to jeopardise our democratic future, our secure future, the future of our country, our children, our democratic institutions, the future of good governance and the rule of law.
I want to believe that this commitment also exists and is seen among you. We therefore look forward to a close partnership with the citizens of Kosovo. This is the only road which leads forward without fear about our future!
Thank you!


Last modified: July 31, 2022

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