Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister of Government of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi met Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Per Stig Moller

July 1, 2008

Prishtina, 1 July 2008
Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi received in a meeting today the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Per Stig Moller, and discussed with him the current developments in Kosovo and the bilateral cooperation. Denmark is known as one of the first countries to have recognized the independence of Kosovo and has constantly offered its diplomatic, military and humanitarian support for Kosovo.
Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi expressed high appreciation and thanked on behalf of the Government of Kosovo the Danish Government for their continuous support for Kosovo, and for their contribution to peace and stability in the region: “I believe that we will continue our bilateral cooperation in the future, as part of the support for the vision of Kosovo for a safe perspective to integrate in NATO and the European Union,” said Prime Minister Thaçi.
Prime Minister Thaçi briefed the Danish minister on the efforts of the Government of Kosovo to establish good governance and rule of law and to respect and provide affirmative action for the minorities in Kosovo and their integration.
Acknowledging the importance of building good neighboring relations, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi expressed the commitment of the Government of Kosovo to build good relations with all the countries in the region. “We have excellent relations with Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro. We also want to build good relations in the near future also with Serbia,” said the Prime Minister, adding that this is of high importance also for the European perspective of the countries in the region.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Per Stig Moller, said he was pleased to meet with Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and stressed that Denmark is one of the first countries that recognized the independence of Kosovo, treating it as a sui generis case following the intervention of the international community to protect the people, and to provide conditions for them to live in peace.
The Danish Minister expressed his appreciation for the commitment of the Government of Kosovo to respect and protect the rights of minorities, and promised the engagement of the Government of Denmark in supporting positive developments in Kosovo. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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