Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi participates in the formal opening of the reaping and threshing season in Kosovo

June 23, 2008

23 June 2008
In a field in the village of Korisha, in Prizren Municipality, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, accompanied by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Idriz Vehapi, participated in the formal opening of this year’s reaping and threshing season in Kosovo.
Prime Minister Thaçi congratulated all of Kosovo’s farmers, and expressed the hope that those harvesting this year would have hambars [corn stores] full with grain and cereal.
“I greet all of Kosovo’s farmers at the start of the reaping and threshing season. It’s an important season. Kosovo’s soil is extremely fertile and is being worked ever better. I believe that efficiency will be even higher this year,” declared Prime Minister Thaçi.
The Kosovo Prime Minister emphasised that this year’s reaping-threshing season was the first in the independent state of Kosovo.
The Government of Kosovo is committed to helping Kosovo’s farmers, and the development of agri-business. Prime Minister Thaçi declared that “the Government of Kosovo has decided that all combine harvesters will receive a subsidy of around 30 percent of the price of fuel. The biggest beneficiaries from this reduction in fuel price will be, in the first instance, the farmers of Kosovo. The Government and the farmers are partners and will work together for the good of this country, for the good of all citizens, and we will also facilitate other necessary conveniences for Kosovo agriculture.”
Prime Minister Thaçi declared that this was only the beginning of the Government’s support for Kosovo agri-business. “In the future we’ll continue to fulfill all of the obligations and responsibilities that we have to Kosovo’s farmers and agriculture,” Prime Minister Thaçi said.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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