Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: Investing in justice –an investment in economic development of the country and enhancement of social cohesion

May 27, 2008

Prishtina, 27 May 2007
Prime Minister Thaçi: Investing in justice –an investment in economic development of the country and enhancement of social cohesion
Ladies and Gentlemen

I thank you for the opportunity you gave me to address this important meeting on the challenges of the justice system in our country.
As in any other field in our society, justice too is in the process of transition. It is a process with many challenges, but it is also a promising process.
Over these years after the conflict there have been many important steps undertaken, however, there is still a good deal to go to reach our final goal, to build and functionalize a justice system that is in full harmony with the democratic values.
There are two standards, the implementation of which makes that system possible: genuine rule of law and equality of all the people before justice.
Channeling our institutional and civil capacities towards the implementation of these standards, we will accomplish two very important objectives of our society.
One objective is related to the past, to its legal legacy. The other objective relates to our present and our future as a state and society.
By establishing a complete rule of law and equality for all the people before the law, regardless of their social or ethnic differences, we bring an end to the long historical practices of selective justice and the influence of group affiliations to the judicial decisions.
Such legal practices are too dangerous for a democratic society. They are dangerous because the selective justice rather feeds conflicts instead of resolving them.
The selective justice destroys the trust of the people in institutions. It is known that the democratic institutions cannot function without having this trust.
Our next objective relates to the present and the future of our state.
Through the establishment of the rule of law, and through ensuring equality for all the people before justice, regardless of their social and ethnic background, we create circumstances for all the citizens of the country, all the social groups and communities to feel that the rule-of-law state belongs to all and is in the service of all.
Only in this we can we guarantee to our citizens the stability of a democratic society, because in a democratic society the stability does not depend on the demonstration of force, but on the effectiveness of justice.
On the other hand, the effectiveness of justice is one of the preconditions for economic development.
Capital investments require legal guarantees and procedural justice.
By creating the opportunities for capital investments, we will have a strong impact on the alleviation of huge social problems, like unemployment and poverty.
And by improving the social welfare of our citizens, we will strongly contribute to promotion of tolerance and interethnic understanding in our state.
We know from the past that the conflicting ideologies are also fed by the manipulation of the difficult economic situation of the people. Therefore, investing in justice also means investing in the economic growth of the country and enhancement of the social cohesion.
Both these values guarantee a common future for all the communities in the independent and sovereign state of Kosovo.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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