Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Prime Minister speech at “E-Government” Conference

May 12, 2008

Prishtinë, 12 May 2008
E-Government, another step towards good and effective governance in Kosovo
Our permanent commitments towards a more rapid and substantive economic development in the Republic of Kosovo undoubtedly include the creation of an environment conducive to the provision of a wide range of e-services for the citizens and businesses.
The creation of such an environment to provide e-services will offer the citizens, businesses as well as the government better living conditions, prosperity and a quicker development in all spheres.
An e-Kosovo will be a dignified part of an e-Europe.
E-governance, as an important component of an e-Kosovo, has taken an important place in the programme of my Government during the present term of office.
Never before has e-governance and information technology been included in government programmes. We on our part have set it as one of the main priorities of this Government.
Our commitment to the realization of the approved programme on e-governance will be significant so that the citizens and businesses will be provided with government services the way they deserve it, a quick, at all times and at any distance, in order to meet their day to day needs.
This will bring about a highly effective administration and will offer transparent remote services for the citizens and the businesses.
E-governance will modernize our administration and will enable an efficient and accountable management at all levels of public administration.
E-health is another objective of ours through which we will perform surgical operations from a distance as is the case with telemedicine.
We will provide the patients of the Republic of Kosovo health record cards and will create numerous health electronic databases so that everyone has his or her own electronic health record.
We will ultimately put in place a highly effective health management electronic system.
My constant commitment will be e-education or education through electronics.
We will act forcefully to lay the foundations for an e-education at all levels of education.
We have started the project to equip schools in the Republic of Kosovo with computers and we will pursue it relentlessly throughout.
We will support projects to put in place electronic libraries in order to create new and very effective ways to acquire knowledge.
We will put in place a comprehensive electronic system for the overall management of education.
Through projects for e-education we will enhance the quality of education at the highest level possible.
In Kosovo’s schools and universities the information and communication technology will have its meritorious space so that we get sufficient numbers of professionals for an e-Kosovo, for e-governance and why not for an e-Europe.
Justice and security through electronics is another commitment which we will pay special attention during my term of office. Putting in place efficient systems of security and justice will create a much safer environment and an electronic management of justice and security in the Republic of Kosovo.
Electronic systems put in place will enable a much more effective management in border crossing points, efficient customs, natural disaster response management etc.
Transparency and efficiency in these two fields will be achieved through our constant commitment in this field.
Through various electronic services and their proliferation through the internet, we will not only be closer to the citizens but will also enable the citizens to be very active in important decisions be it political or non-political.
Creating conditions to vote electronically (e-voting) will bring about an electronic democracy (e-democracy) thus democraticizing the Republic of Kosovo even more.
This way Kosovo will achieve European standards of democracy.
My Government and I will support providing access to the internet for all in Kosovo.
The government network at all levels will be upgraded. The current UNMIK network will be transferred to the Government of Kosovo and to the Ministry of Public Services respectively which will be used by all the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.
We also aim to expand the government network through optical cables.
The government of Kosovo will create new avenues of possibilities for different operators in the telecommunications field including the advanced information technology WiMAX.
E-governance and information technology experts state often that in order to achieve these aims several preconditions will have to be met.
We take note of those preconditions.
There is full political support.
The preparation and implementation of the e-governance strategy has started. We are making use of our experts who together with UNDP and other organizations that have expressed their desire to help will draft the e-governance strategy.
The package of laws on e-governance will be completed.
We will create new space to expand the telecommunication environment.
There will be adequate support for the information technology staff in the public administration.
Finally on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo I would like to thank all countries and international organizations for making a very valuable contribution to developing specific projects in the field of e-governance and information technology. The cooperation with you on the part of the Government will never be absent.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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