Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Speech of Deputy PM Hajredin Kuçi in the 9 May – Europe Day – ceremony

May 9, 2008

Prishtina, 9 May 2008

The EU as the main donor and supporter of the Western Balkans countries has confirmed times in a row that the future of the region in within the European Union. This was proved in the Thessalonica Summit (2003) when it was said that “the progress of each country in the European integration depends from commitment of fulfilling the Copenhagen Criteria and those emerging from the Stabilization-Association”. So EU offers its prospect for the region. It is up to aspiring countries to fulfill the criteria for the membership in the European family.

Western Balkan countries have marked progress in improving the governance, inter-ethnic relations and regional cooperation. But enough remains to be done, in reforming the public administration, rule of law, development of a functional market economy, strengthening the regional cooperation etc.

The many activities organized throughout Kosova on the occasion of the 9 May express the aspiration of the institutions and people of Kosova for EU integration. The big European family has room for a prosperous and modern Kosova.

No doubt that the process of European integration is a national priority of the Republic of Kosovo. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is prioritizing above everything else this process by increasing the level of commitment and responsibilities at the highest level possible. Recently we have witnessed a speeded up dynamics in the process of European integration. I am encouraged by the fact that this process is now becoming part of the everyday wok in all of the institutions and levels of government in Kosova. We need to use this momentum and strengthen it further.

The process of European integration is undergoing another more advanced stage of development. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has approved the Plan for European Integration 2008-2010 which includes the creation of mechanisms and more comprehensive and more advanced institutional structures, drafting different strategies and building a stronger partnership with the civil society and the citizens of Kosova in the process of European integration. So we are widening this process from the governmental point of view into a national one including a wider spam of actors and institutions included in the civil society.
Though this Plan the Government of the Republic of Kosovo aims to increase the capacities to program and implement more efficiently the EU assistance offered in the IPA framework. Also we have drafted the relevant concept documents for the translation and approximation of the Kosova legislation with the EU one.

The main framework where we have channeled our energies and activities in the process of European integration is the implementation of tasks emerging from the Action Plan for European Partnership. The document of the European Partnership we consider as a guide in our path which will enable us to have functional institutions and society which accepts and normalized the values of citizens democracy.

I believe there exists a wide agreement among us that the process of European integration is a process requiring a lot of time and devotion but that it is an unstoppable process as well. The EU integration is not only a competence of the institutions. A wide national consensus is required in order to fulfill our aspiration for integration in the big European family. The process of EU integration is not for a particular political grouping or for a particular ethnic community, it is a national process which will enable the improvement of the quality of life for the citizens of Kosova as a whole. Te Government of Kosovo will coordinate this process but the citizens support is necessary in order to speed up the process. As such, we consider this process as the main opportunity and challenge for the Kosovo Institutions an the Kosovar society as a whole

Ladies and gentlemen,

Kosova has a European future not only because of its geographical position, but because of the potential to play a stabilizing role in the region. We are well aware that the path to the EU is long and requires maximal devotion from the institutions and the society in general. We value the achievements to date but remain devoted to advance the process of integrating Kosova into EU. For us, the EU integration has no alternative. In this respect, being responsible on the obligations and duties entrusted to us by the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, we will not stop until we have fulfilled all of the criteria and accomplish our aspiration.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo values highly the contribution of the European Committee and the entire international community in support of the integration endeavors of Kosovo and considers that a stronger partnership is being created in this process. The expert recommendations of the European Committee will help us in undertaking institutional reforms.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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