Zyra e Kryeministrit

The 17th Meeting of Government of Republic of Kosovo is held

April 24, 2008

Prishtina, 24 April 2008

Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Kosovo Mr. Hashim Thaçi, at the opening remarks of the meeting of the Government of Kosovo, informed his Cabinet on his participation at the United Nations Security Council Meeting for Kosovo.

Prime Minister Thaçi claimed that our first visit to the Security Council was a dignified representation and was supported by the majority of UN members and also stated that Kosovo, like never before, Kosovo received strong support from the entire democratic world.

“During our stay in New York, together with the Minister on Foreign Affairs Mr. Hyseni, we held many lobbying meetings for the recognition of Kosovo. We had good and encouraging meetings with representatives of Arab states, Islamic Conference, Caribbean states, Latin America states as well as with the ambassadors of UNSC member states, claimed Mr. Thaçi.

Speaking of the claims with regards to the organisation of local Serb elections in Kosovo, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi pointed out that the he conveyed to the Security Council that “our joint position on Belgrade’s aim to hold elections in Kosovo is illegal”.

Afterwards, Government continued with its agenda. Ministry of Finance and Economy presented a financial review on the Kosovo Consolidated Budget for the period 1 January – 31 December 2007, and after discussions Government made a decision to pass on this information to the Assembly of Kosovo for discussion.

Government approved the Regulation on Implementation of Customs Measures with regards to duties infringing intellectual property rights. This Regulation was drafted with an aim of establishing customs procedures in order to enable the UNMIK Customs Service to undertake measures against forged goods, piracy and other goods infringing intellectual property rights. After 15 June, this Regulation will become a Law.

Government authorized the Ministry on Energy and Mining to establish the responsible authority to conduct procedure on revitalization of A1 and A2 blocks of the Power Plant “Kosova A”. The Contracting Authority will comprise representatives from KEK, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and the Energy Regulatory Office.

Also, the proposal on the establishment of the Contracting Authority for the rehabilitation of small hydro plants with private investments was approved. Government, today, supported the proposal for the establishment of the Steering Committee for “Kosova C” project on the basis of the equal representation scheme as well.

Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Enver Hoxhaj, informed on the Government initiative to return foreign alumni, from western states, to Kosovo, and up to date 139 alumni have registered to come back and work in Kosovo. Government supported the MEST national policies on keeping and returning the “brains” in Kosovo.

Government has also approved the Kosovo Program on Gender Equality, which is a strategic document for the integration of gender equality in Government public programs and policies. KPGE aims at promoting dialogue for the integration of gender equality, equal participation of women and men in social, economic and political life of the country.

Government approved the Strategy on Control of Small and Light Arms.
According to the Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, this strategy has a main objective of ensuring a safe environment for all citizens of Kosovo and to control the possession of small and light arms, in compliance with European and international standards.

Strategy on Control of Small and Light Arms, approved today by the Government of Kosovo, addresses priorities defined in Ahtisaari’s Proposal (Annex VIII-1.7), European Partnership Action Plan, EU Progress Report on Kosovo and supports the fact that Kosovo needs to respect UN, OSCE and EU standards and practices in the area of security and arms control as well as to observe agreements and other regional declarations on security under the competence of OSCE.

For the purpose of establishing the basic infrastructure of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government, with the proposal of Prime Minister Thaçi, made a decision to allocate 1 million Euro budget for this Ministry.

In the following meeting, Government will approve the budget for the establishment of embassies planned for this year.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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