Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: A Support for Kosovo in UN like never before

April 23, 2008

Kosova has been recognized by the majority of the EU countries, most of the NATO member countries, and a considerable number of the UN member countries; I would like to believe that this process will be concluded in a normal manner and Kosova be an equal part of the Euro-Atlantic family, part of NATO and the EU, but also a member of the United Nations; this due to the fact that the entire democratic world is supporting the current process in Kosovo – said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo’s Government Hashim Thaçi in an exclusive interview for the Voice of America from the UN HQ in New York.

New York, 23 April 2008

Voice of America: Mr. Thaçi, the debate yesterday dealt mainly with the Serbian elections and the Security Council is divided over this issue. Is a decision on this issue likely to be found soon?

Prime Minister Thaçi: We were presented yesterday for the first time as institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, of the state of Kosovo. We have presented the progress made after the proclamation of independence, after the coordinated proclamation of the independent and sovereign country, the powerful international recognition, the approval of the Kosovo Constitution and have obtained a support like never before for Kosovo. On the other hand, I wish to emphasize that Security Council was not divided. Security Council has supported Kosova fully, with some exception like Russia. I can say that countries which did not recognize Kosovo, have also greeted its progress.

Voice of America: I was saying that the Security Council was divided on the issue of the local elections of Serbs in Kosovo. So, is there a decision expected to be arrived at on this issue?

Prime Minister Thaçi: Of course, I have made known the stance of the Kosovo institutions. Also, Mr. Rücker has expressed the position of the international administration. The public opinion was also introduced to the positions of the most important counties such as the USA, Britain, France, and other countries members of the Security Council. The attempt of organizing the Serbian local elections in Kosova is illegitimate, and therefore Kosova will continue with its state-building program, the creation of a democratic society, the multi-ethnic functioning of institutions, respect minorities in the most affirmative sense and further integration of Serbs in institutions. Serbs are included in the Parliament and the Government which I lead, and therefore things are going in the right direction. The attempts of Serbia to run the elections is negative and aspires to provoke the current situation in Kosovo. Nevertheless, I would like to believe that with the calmness, wisdom and determination of state institutions and the full coordination with the international authorities, we will overcome this new and totally unnecessary challenge for this period of time. We have a full international support for the successes we are achieving in the country and everyone is aware that we are using our full capacities in order to have full success. The aim is to have peace and stability in the region.

Voice of America: with the entry into force of the Kosovo Constitution on 15 June this year what will be the role of the United Nations in Kosovo?

Prime Minister Thaçi: We will continue to have a symbolic presence of the UN. We have greeted and highly value the work done by the UN in Kosova, with some small exception. But more power will be given to the monitoring ole of the new international civilian administration after the 15 June when the Constitution of the state of Kosova enters into force, The Kosovar institutions will be leading the country, exercising their authority over the entire territory of Kosovo and opening up opportunities for the economic development and its integration in the NATO and EU structures and in all of the other international institutions.

Voice of America: Sixty days have passed since the proclamation of independence and still the number of the countries to have recognized Kosovo remains 38. Does this coming to a halt, or rather a slow rhythm of progress, concern you?

Prime Minister Thaçi: the rhythm of recognition is not slow, it is as would be expected. We have a strong international recognition, but at the same time we have even a stronger support for the process of the recognition now, after the approval of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosova. What we have is a movement forward. And even after 15 June, when this Constitution will enter into force and during this preparatory period, we have used the opportunity together with the Foreign Minister of Republic of Kosova to meet different representatives of the counties that have recognized our independence, with the representatives of those EU member countries that are in the process of recognizing it but also representatives of the Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Conference and most of the Caribbean countries. on the other hand, we have been discussing with the representatives of China, Libya, the Vietnam representative, and I can tell you that for the very first time I see a stronger support after the proclamation of the independence. The important thing is that the recognition of the Independence of Kosova was expected and did not provoke any reactions of refusal. Quite the opposite, there are only requests to understand the official procedures of different countries. Kosova has been recognized by the majority of the EU countries, most of the NATO member countries, and a considerable number of the UN member countries; I would like to believe that this process will be concluded in a normal manner and that Kosova will be an equal part of the Euro-Atlantic family, part of NATO and EU, but also a member of the United Nations; this due to the fact that the entire democratic world supports the current developments in Kosovo, greets the progress in the country for establishment of democracy and a multiethnic society, rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime as well as the prospect for peace and stability in the region.

Voice of America: Mr. Prime Minister, Belgrade has requested the continuation of the talks with the Albanian leaders over the issue of the status. Will there be more talks and if case there will, what will they consist on?

Prime Minister Thaçi: These are declarations belonging to a mentality of the past. Kosova was proclaimed an independent, sovereign and democratic country. It has gained a strong international recognition and this process has moved forward. But the Belgrade politics has remained very backward, with a mentality of the past century. Now Kosova is in the process of Euro-Atlantic integrations, but of course we can discuss as two independent nations over necessary practical issues, about the interests of our country and the interests of Serbia, about peace and stability in the region. But we always need to make a distinction between the meetings which might occur for the common interests of both countries as two independent states. Our commitment is to work even more and harder for the Serbs who are citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, be close to them, engage to advance their rights and be at the service of all the citizens. Therefore as the PM of the Republic of Kosova Government I have made my pledges clear: we will continue with this rhythm of security for Kosovo, advancing our values, implementing all of the democratic criteria. And thus, in a short meeting I had with President Tadic, I have confirmed the readiness of Prishtina for cooperation on common interests of our two countries, but always as two independent states aspiring the Euro-Atlantic integration.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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