Prishtina, 27 February 2008
Today’s meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosova was chaired by Prime Minister Thaçi, who initially briefed the Cabinet on the current security situation and the steps undertaken in maintaining order and stability in Kosova. The Prime Minister said that the security situation is under the full control of KPS, UNMIK Police and KFOR, who are closely cooperating amongst themselves to guarantee a sustainable security situation in Kosova. Mr. Thaçi said that there are more and more recognitions of the state of Kosova coming from the states and the governments of the most powerful countries in the world. Thaçi also asked the Ministers’ Cabinet of the Government to start preparing the procedures for attaining Kosova’s membership in international organizations, initially in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), to continue in the United Nations Organization (UN), NATO and OSCE.
In accordance with the Government’s decision, No; 02/4, date 31 January 2008, which foresees relocation of all the institutions of the Republic of Kosova currently located in private premises to public premises, the Government of the Republic of Kosova approved the Strategic Plan on Residential Accommodation of the Government of Kosova, which aims at decreasing expenses, finding of adequate and functioning accommodation, improving of security for the assets and the staff, increasing of efficiency at work, offering of quick services for the people and creating of a representative state image.
Also there was a discussion on the current situation of the state of cars being used by the institutions, and in this respect the Ministry of Public Services provided a detailed list covering all the institutions being used by the institutions of the Republic of Kosova. The list gives a clear picture of the cars allocated to institutions, in terms of numbers and their state. On this occasion, there was a demonstration of full respect for the earlier decision on the use of cars, and also there was a proposal approved to halve the overall number of the institutional cars, currently of 3132 vehicles, including KPS and KPC, which will not be put up for auction. Likewise, there was a review of salaries of the staff at the central level institutions paid by the subsidiary budgetary line and the staff from the contracted services, (MCYS), and on this occasion it was assessed that sustainable and transparent criteria are to be established.
The Government’s Cabinet also approved the request to adopt and apply tendering procedures for the researched mineral sources, until the finalization of the Strategy on Mining and also the request to amend (increase) the 2008 budget for KEK and KPS (MEF), which is a result of circumstances currently created in our country. The necessary changes asked by the Ministry of Economy and Finance are: increase for 2.8 million Euros of the amount allocated for KEK, in the category of ‘subsidies and transfers’, to cover the import cost of electricity during the period of the status definition, and also an increase of 800.000.00 Euros for the Kosova Police Service, in the category of ‘capital expenses’, the project for legal surveillance with regards to confidential issues.
Financing of Instrument for Pre-Accession projects was further approved (IPA) 2007, which will be implemented in 2008 (MEF), and this marks an increase of 2.5 million Euros in the budget for the Ministry of Local Government Administration and 400.000 Euros for the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order for them to meet the needs of co-financing as part of IPA by the European Commission. There was also an approval of the draft decision to appoint members of the Central Census Commission for registering the population, the households, and apartments (MPS). It was stressed in this respect, that the census is an obligation and also an international standard for the Republic of Kosova. The issue of census will be considered of high priority in Kosova’s state agenda, because all the state objectives, not only those economic, social and developmental, depend on quality results from the registration of the people, households and apartments, and furthermore the entire society will benefit from it. The orientation of the Government of Kosova is to complete the foreseen registration by the first half of November this year.
There is also a chain of other administrative directions and draft laws approved, like:
– Administrative Direction on Payment of Political Staff in Municipalities (MLGA-MEF), which sets out the salary of the mayors, deputy heads of municipal assemblies and of directors of directorates appointed by the municipal presidents, and also a maximal compensation for the advisors in municipal assemblies and members of the municipal assemblies. Payment of political staff throughout municipalities so far has been regulated based on Administrative Direction No; 7/2004, amended by Administrative Direction, No; 3/2005 which will be abrogated with entering in force of this direction. This Administrative Direction has been prepared based on the structure of political staff according to UNMIK Regulation No; 2007/30;
– Administrative Direction on administering medicinal waste (MESP), whose goal is to determine the environmental requirements for administering the medicinal waste, sets out a functioning supervision of the activities related to the collection, treating, packaging, storing and transporting of medicinal waste, in order to protect the public health and the environment, and to determine the competencies and responsibilities on administering the medicinal waste. This administrative direction defines the types of waste created following health services for the protection of the public health in all the public and private health institutions and premises where this waste is created;
– Administrative Direction on administering hazardous waste (MESP), the scope of which mainly covers the definition of obligations by the respective authorities, classifying, categorizing of hazardous waste, of conditions to collect, accumulate, transport, treat, stock up, annihilate and store it. The need to have such a legal act to regulate this comes because there has been no legal act so far to regulate this issue in the legislative aspect, because of the constant requests by producers of hazardous waste and because of the very bad situation on the ground.
– Administrative Decision on Stamps in the institutions of the Government of the Republic of Kosova (MPS), whose goal is to regulate and determine the form and the content of the stamp, its use, maintenance, and the responsibility to use the stamp in the institutions of the Government of Kosova. All the stamps being used until the entrance in force of this administrative direction will be sent to the archive to be kept there safely, in accordance with the rules and procedures specified in the Law No; 2003/7 on archival items and archives;
– Draft law on products and protection of plants (MAFRD), which regulates marketing and controlling of active substances of the products, for the protection of plants, authorization, circulation, use, remnants of plants and vegetal products, keeping of inventory for physical and legal persons that are included in placing them in the market and use of products for the protection of plants, the responsibilities of the competent authority to apply this draft law and to monitor its implementation. According to financial statements issued by MEF, the draft project is assessed to have budgetary implications of about 13,000 Euros for the period 2008-2010, an amount that was neither included in the Law on Budget for 2008 nor in the Mid-Term Expenditure Framework 2008-2010, therefore it will be covered by the sponsoring ministry. According to the AIE statement, the draft law does not breach the principles of the European legislation;
– Draft law on prevention and integrated control of pollution (MESP), the goal of which is to achieve prevention and an integrated control of pollution as which comes as consequence of energy industry activities, production and processing of metals and mineral industry, of chemical industry, managing of waste, mineral activities and other activities, thus creating a system to grant an integrated environmental permission for the equipments and activities that can have a negative impact on the environment, the health of the population and on the mineral resources.
Towards the end of the today’s meeting of the Government of Kosova, there was discussion on some proposals and a decision was taken to appoint the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova, Hajdredin Kuçi, as public relations officer for the Government of the Republic of Kosova, while Besim Beqaj was appointed for the post of the Stability Pact Coordinator, and Hashim Rexhepi was proposed for the post of managing director of the Central Banking Authority.
Last modified: July 31, 2022