Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi visited Jashari family and paid homage at graves in Prekaz

February 16, 2008

Prishtina, 16 February 2008

Just a little more time and some moments to go through the procedural aspects to this Sunday that is of historical importance in our state-forming efforts. This is how Kosova Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, said during a visit to Prekaz, where he met with Jashari family and paid respects at the graves of the martyrs of this family. 

Prime Minister Thaçi said in the meeting with the head of the Jashari family, Rifat Jashari, that he is visiting Prekaz, this sacred place for the freedom and the independence, and on behalf of the Kosova institutions to pass on the message publicly that Kosova is becoming independent, adding further that Prekaz and Adem Jashari are the founders of the independent state of Kosova. 

Mr. Thaçi stressed that he has come to Prekaz together with some co-fighters and members of the families of the martyrs, who gave everything for the freedom of Kosova. “Now we are on the brink of making independence official, therefore this visit of ours is one of trust to move to the new mission following independence, and that is integration of our sovereign state towards EU and NATO,” said the Prime Minister on this occasion. 

The head of the Jashari family wished Prime Minister Thaçi and Kosova institutions good and honest work, and asked all the families of the missing to remain strong, praying to God that these people never again go through any bad thing. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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