Zyra e Kryeministrit


Prime Minister Kurti: Democracy and public go hand in hand

Pristina, October 27, 2022 The full speech of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, at the “Public Policies in France” conference, organized by the Embassy of France in Kosovo: Dear Ambassador of France in Kosovo, Mr. Olivier Guerot, Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, and also Deputy Prime Minister, Mrs. …

October 27, 2022

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Prime Minister Kurti’s address on the National Day of Austria

Prishtina, 25 October 2022 Prime Minister Kurti’s speech at Austrain Embassy reception on the ocassion of the National Day of Austria: My dear friend Ambassador Weidinger, Dear ministers of the Government and members of the Parliament, Excellences, Religious leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to celebrate with you here today the National Day

October 25, 2022

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Prime Minister Kurti visited the non-governmental organization Diakonie

Pristina, October 4, 2022 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Ambassador of Germany, Jorn Rohde, visited the non-governmental organization Diakonie, where they were greeted by the executive director, Bernd Baumgarten. The Prime Minister saw closely and appreciated the work performed by this organization in the

October 4, 2022

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Prime Minister Kurti talked with representatives of the Goran community

Pristina, October 3, 2022 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, discussed with the representatives of the Goran community in Kosovo, from academia, non-governmental organizations, media and institutions of Kosovo. Expressing gratitude for the contribution of the Goran community in Kosovo, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the

October 3, 2022

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On the 25th anniversary of the student protests, Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute in front of the grave of Professor Ejup Statovci

Pristina, October 1, 2022 On the 25th anniversary of the peaceful student protests of October 1, 1997 and in honor of the work of the ex-rector of the University of Pristina, Professor Ejup Statovci, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, paid tribute in front of his grave. He was brave and …

October 1, 2022

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Interview of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti for the Swiss magazine Republik

The interview of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti for the Swiss magazine Republik with journalist Franziska Tschinderle,  on September 9 and published on September 26, 2022.   Republik: Mr. Kurti, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić recently called you “little Zelenski”. Does that honor you? Prime Minister Kurti: I previously

September 29, 2022

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Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi: Kosovo, the new history of a consolidated democracy, which emphasizes the rule of law and economic growth

The first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, has conducted an interview with Investment Monitor, on the sidelines of the “Investment Management Exhibition” event, during September. The full article is below: In conversation with: Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi Besnik Bislimi, Deputy

September 27, 2022

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Statement on today’s meeting in Brussels

Brussels, 18 August 2022 The third high-level meeting between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia was held today in Brussels. This meeting was supposed to be held on July 19. However, it was postponed for August at the request of the other party, while the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, expressed …

August 18, 2022

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Prime Minister Kurti received in a meeting the world star Dua Lipa, and appreciated her immeasurable contribution to Kosova

Prishtina, 7 August 2022 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, received in a meeting the world-famous singer, Dua Lipa, who came to Kosova on the occasion of the third consecutive edition of the Sunny Hill Festival. Prime Minister Kurti congratulated Dua on her fantastic success and praised her voice, music and …

August 7, 2022

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Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Rizvanolli are hosted by the Assistant Secretary of Energy, Andrew Light

Washington, July 27, 2022 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, as well as the Ambassador of Kosovo to the United States of America, Ilir Dugolli, were received in a meeting by the Assistant Secretary of Energy, Andrew Light at the US Department of …

July 29, 2022

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