Zyra e Kryeministrit

Office of Public Communication (OPC)

The Office for Public Communication in the Office of the Prime Minister exercises the functions and responsibilities of the Office defined by Regulation no. 27/2018 on the government communication service with the public (09.01.2019), as follows:

1. OPC-OPM is responsible for:
1.1. Media communication and media monitoring;
1.2. Policy planning, coordination and communication;
1.3. Communication with new media;

2. Media communication and media monitoring include:
2.1. Preparation, distribution and archiving of press releases and press releases in official languages;
2.2. Preparation, distribution and archiving of photographs and audio-visual materials of the main communication activities of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and the Government;
2.3. Organizing press conferences;
2.4. Planning interviews of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers in the media;
2.5. Providing answers to journalists’ questions;
2.6. Monitoring and analysis of media reports on the activities of the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole;

3. Policy planning, coordination and communication includes:
3.1. Preparation, implementation and monitoring of the annual communication plan taking into account the priorities arising from the Annual Work Plan of the Government;
3.2. Coordination of the weekly calendar of Government communication activities;
3.3. Planning media coverage for the implementation of government decisions, for state visits and high-level international conferences;
3.4. Planning and coordinating information and public awareness campaigns regarding the Government’s priority policies;
3.5. Coordinating the publication and promotion of various Government materials;
3.6. Coordinating work in securing the contributions of communication officers of ministries for the preparation of communication plans in the early stages of policy and legislation development;
3.7. Communication of consultation activities, especially public meetings and online consultations through:
3.7.1. simplifying messages regarding the purpose of new legislation / policies to make it more understandable to the public and the media;
3.7.2.organizing press conferences;
3.7.3.informing journalists at the beginning of the consultation process;
3.7.4. increase media coverage of public meetings;
3.7.5. distributing notifications of comments resulting from these discussions through social networks and other communication channels;
3.7.6. presentation of reports on the results of public consultations to the media and the general public;
3.7.7. informing the media and key partners in the progress of the implementation of the adopted legislation / policy.

4. Communication with new media includes:
4.1. Updating, ensuring access and credibility of information on the official website of the institution;
4.2. Preparation and publication on the OPM website of the communication activities of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Office of the Prime Minister, which includes:
4.2.1. agenda of daily activities;
4.2.2. press releases;
4.2.3. speeches;
4.2.4. statements and interviews.
4.3. Publication and updating of all decisions and other documents approved by the Government or the Office of the Prime Minister on the OPM website;
4.4. Managing the communication of the official account of the Office of the Prime Minister on social networks;
4.5. Management of the official electronic account for communication with the public;

5. The Office of Public Communication in the OPM also receives and handles initial requests for access to public documents as well as open data.

The OPC performs other duties and responsibilities defined by the legislation in force and the duties defined by the Prime Minister and the Secretary General of the OPM.

The number of employees in the Office for Public Communication is 6 (six) civil servants as follows:

1. Director of the Office for Public Communication;

2. Coordinator of the Office for Public Communication;

3. Senior Public Relations Officer;

4. Senior Officer for communication and handling requests for access to public documents;

5. Media communication and accreditation officer;

6. Administrative manager of the office and maintainer of the OPM website.