Zyra e Kryeministrit

Office for the Publication of the Official Gazette (OPOG)

Office for the Publication of the Official Gazette /OPOG/, as defined in Law No. 03/L-190 for the Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo (Official Gazette, No. 74, 20 July, 2010), is the only official publication in the Republic of Kosovo where the laws and other legal acts issued by the institutions of the country are published. Therefore, the OPOG, based on this law, has the following duties and responsibilities:

Publication of all legal acts issued by the Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, which are sent to the Office for the Publication of the Official Gazette, in printed form and in electronic form, and which acts meet the conditions set forth in this law. The entry into force of these legal acts is related to their publication in the Official Gazette.

Administration of the electronic system – Web Application of the Official Gazette, which includes the publication of legal acts, as well as the management of users of the Official Gazette electronic system.

Consult the following legal acts for more information about the mandate of the Office for the Publication of the Official Gazette:

Regulation (OPM) – No. 01/2020 for the internal organization and systematization of jobs in the Office of Prime Minister

Law No. 03/L-190 for the Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo

Decision No. 02/28 (Government of the Republic of Kosovo)

038 200 14 811

Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo (rks-gov.net)