Zyra e Kryeministrit

Dokumente aktuale EN

DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Annex 3. List of bylaws that need to be amended and supplemented in order to concretize the legal basis 11.01.2022


January 11, 2022

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Program for the Year 2021 26.11.2021


November 26, 2021

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Programme for the Year 2021 26.11.2021

Programi-Legjislativ-per-Vitin-2021-25.11.2021 (1)...

November 26, 2021

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Programme for the Year 2021 29.10.2021


October 29, 2021

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Program for the Year 2021


October 29, 2021

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Programme for the Year 2021 09.09.2021


September 9, 2021

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DocumentsDokumente aktuale EN

Legislative Programme for the Year 2021


September 9, 2021

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