Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti at the opening ceremony of the Manifesto: Having an international biennial in the capital of your country makes every prime minister proud

July 22, 2022

Prishtina, July 22nd 2022

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the official opening ceremony of the European biennial of contemporary art “Manifesta 14”, which is being held in the capital of Pristina and which will last 100 days.

Among the many present, Prime Minister Kurti said that tonight he is very happy to be among them, at the opening of this great event for Kosovo, hoping to give them a great welcome.
“When Prishtina was chosen as the host city, after several months of intensive cooperation, I was amazed to see how Manifesta managed to reveal exactly this spirit of our people. Therefore, I am fully convinced today, that in the next 100 days, through the Manifesto, we will see Kosovo unfold in its best form and shine. I am sure that in one way or another you will like my city, Prishtina. Therefore, prepare to be enchanted”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

He further said that Pristina has always been a vibrant and creative city and that even in its most difficult and dangerous days for Albanians, referring to the 90s, there has always been an underground cultural life.

For the head of government, having an international biennale in his country’s capital makes any prime minister proud. According to him, the cultural community of Kosovo benefits by building new bridges of cooperation.

The 100 days of the Manifesta in Pristina, as Prime Minister Kurti said, will be a breath of fresh air and a beautiful sight for the citizens of our country, while adding that we have a lot to learn from our European colleagues and Kosovo also has a lot to give in return.

At the end of his speech, Prime Minister Kurti invited everyone that now, after 14 years of independence, enjoy Manifesta 14 together.

The full speech in English by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti

Good evening to everyone.
Dear Madam President Vjosa Osmani Sadriu,
Dear President Meta,
Dear major of Prishtina, Përparim Rama
Dear artists and journalists,
Local and international nomads,
Dear guests and hosts, friends and partners,

Four years ago, when I was signing a support letter for the official bid to host Manifesta, I was not sure what to expect. I was intrigued by the name “Manifesta” – the political movement I belong to started with a manifesto on self-determination. And, I was thrilled by the phrase “European nomadic”, being a critical admirer of both: the European Union and Gilles Deleuze. Later on, my readings about Manifestas around Europe made me ever more curious and longing. Finally, these days, especially tonight, I am hopeful and cheerful, yet with vivid traces of my previous feelings of intrigue and thrill, curiosity and desire.

In my view, Manifesta is a town that wanders across Europe like a specter, like a ghost, until it embraces a European city, embodying itself in what it makes differently from that landing city. This year, the town of Manifesta is getting its 14th reincarnation in the city of Prishtina. Both of us are both happy and lucky. This embrace of Manifesta and Prishtina is almost an amor fati: a travelling European nomad stops to meet the unstoppable people of Kosova.

Prishtina has always been a vibrant and creative city. Even on the worst of days — when being an Albanian was very risky — there was always a cultural life happening underground. Concerts and exhibitions mushroomed within cafeterias and restaurants, inside private homes and basements. Abandoned people to themselves did not leave any abandoned space for themselves.

During the 90s this was the only way one could experience art and culture in Kosova. I believe that it is precisely this cultural resilience that sparked a certain aesthetic that is embedded at the core of our society today. It is this resilience that makes Prishtina and Kosova special, I dare say, even unique.
When Prishtina was chosen as the host city — in the several months of intense cooperation — I was amazed to see how Manifesta managed to detect exactly this spirit of our people. That is why I’m fully convinced today that in the following 100 days — through Manifesta — we will see Kosova unfolding at its best and shining along. I am sure, one way or another, my city, Prishtina, you will just love it.

Therefore, be prepared to be charmed! It’s as inevitable as it is necessary. And again, you will manage to see it for what it is, for what it was, and most importantly, for what it can be.

For this reason, I am so glad to be here tonight with you, at the opening of this great event for Kosova, hoping to give you a great welcome!

Having an international bienniale in a capital city makes any Prime Minister proud. This one is no different. The cultural community of Kosova benefits by building new cooperation bridges. Our country appears on the international map of modern and contemporary art. The citizens of Kosova will have a chance to experience art while sensing and exploring, discussing artworks and acquainting artists.

Manifesta implies a certain disclosing, an opening of your eyes and ears to make you think and gain. Artistic interventions in public spaces strengthen the public dimension of those spaces, and sometimes even discover the spaces itself, rendering it public, publicly, putting it into the open. Yesterday morning, I was for the first time in my life, on the sixth floor of the Grand Hotel – on its terrace. I didn’t know that such a halfway through penthouse existed, and now I want to go back again, visit it once more. And from there I saw a couple of other such concrete porches in the middle of a tall building around, with people in them, having coffee and tea, looking at this newest place at their height with new people who didn’t know they’d be joining.

For 100 days of Manifesta will govern in parallel with my government. But, there will be more artists than days – namely, 102 artists. More venues than hours of the day – 25 venues. And more countries than EU members – 30 countries.

For sure, these 100 days of Manifesta in Prishtina will be a breath of fresh air and a beautiful look and gaze for the citizens of our country. There will be exhibitions, new creative proposals for urban regeneration, pristine expressions and exchanges.

We have a lot to learn from our European colleagues. Likewise Kosova has also a lot to give in return.
Now, after 14 years of independence, let us enjoy Manifesta 14 together. Welcome to Prishtina! Welcome to Kosova! It is such an honour and so lovely to have you all here.
Thank you very much.


Last modified: August 1, 2022

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