Zyra e Kryeministrit

Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria EN

Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria ENDocumentsRregulloret EN

Regulation (GRK) nr. 16/2015 on Internal Organization and Systematizaiton of Jobs in the Ministry of Infrastructure 16.12.2015

Rregullore_(QRK)_nr_162015__per_Organizimin_e_Brendshem_dhe_Sistematizimin_e_Vendeve_te_Punes_ne_MI (1)...

December 16, 2015

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Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria ENDocumentsRregulloret EN

Regulation (GRK) nr. 15/2015 on Internal Organization and Systematizaiton of Jobs in Labour Inspectorate 13.12.2015

Rregullore_(QRK_nr__152015__per_Organizimin_e_Brendshem_dhe_Sistematizimin_e_Vendeve_te_Punes_ne_Inspektoratin_e_Punes (1)...

December 13, 2015

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