Zyra e Kryeministrit

Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria EN

Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria ENDocumentsUdhëzimet Administrative EN

Administrative Instruction (GRK) No.06/2016 on conditions for selecting the location of the waste landfill construction 11.04.2016


April 11, 2016

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Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria ENDocumentsRregulloret EN

Regulation GRK – No.01/2016 on Administrative review of Municipal Acts 13.03.2016


March 13, 2016

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Aktet nenligjore te miratuara nga Qeveria ENDocumentsUdhëzimet Administrative EN

Administrative Instruction GRK – No. 01/ 2016 on Mechanism for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions 10.02.2016


February 10, 2016

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