Pristina, December 31, 2024
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, wrote in the Book of Condolences dedicated to President Jimmy Carter, at the premises of the Embassy of the United States of America in Kosovo, where he was received by the Chargé d’affaires, Anu Prattipati.
In his note, on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Kosovo, he conveyed the deepest condolences to the family of President Jimmy Carter, as well as to the Government and people of the United States of America.
“During his long and tireless work for peace in the world, once as President and then as an eminent elder statesman, President Carter sealed the peaks of American and global politics, without ever losing touch with the citizens,” the Prime Minister wrote.
He added that the reach of his greatness and compassion were limitless. “For this and much else, he will be greatly missed and remembered forever,” Prime Minister Kurti concluded.
Full note by Prime Minister Kurti:
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Kosova, I extend my deepest sympathies to the family of President Jimmy Carter, and to the Government and people of the United States. During his tireless and lifelong work for world peace, first as President and then as a preeminent elder statesman, President Carter sealed the summits of American and global politics, while never losing touch with the common man and woman. The reach of both his greatness and his compassion were limitless. For this and much else, he will be greatly missed, and eternally remembered.
Përkthimi jozyrtar:
Në emër të Qeverisë dhe popullit të Republikës së Kosovës, ju përcjell ngushëllimet e mia më të thella familjes së Presidentit Jimmy Carter, si dhe Qeverisë e popullit të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës. Gjatë punës së tij të gjatë e të palodhshme për paqe në botë, fillimisht si President e më pas si burrështetas i vjetër dhe eminent, Presidenti Carter vulosi majat e politikës amerikane dhe globale, pa humbur asnjëherë lidhjen me qytetarët. Arritshmëria e madhështisë dhe dhembshurisë së tij ishin të pakufishme. Për këto e shumë të tjera, ai do të na mungojë shumë dhe do të kujtohet përjetësisht.
Unofficial translation:
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Kosovo, I extend my deepest condolences to the family of President Jimmy Carter, and to the Government and people of the United States of America. During his long and tireless work for world peace, first as President and then as a distinguished elder statesman, President Carter set the bar high in American and global politics, never losing touch with his citizens. The reach of his greatness and compassion were boundless. For these and many more, he will be greatly missed and eternally remembered.
Last modified: January 6, 2025