Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti visited the “Free Kosova” Radio Bunker -Studio

June 13, 2024

Berishe village, 12 June 2024
On the day when we mark the 25th anniversary of the Liberation of Kosovo, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, visited the Bunker -Studio of Radio “Free Kosova”. This was the place from where the news spread to every Albanian home, from January 4 to June 21, 1999.
While it once functioned as a voice of truth, today this bunker of the liberation war is now under the care of our state, being recognized as a special war value. It is expected to be inaugurated on the 21st of June.
“We wanted to come and visit this place where the truth was broadcast about the liberation war, about the suffering of the people, about the glorious battles from 4 January, 1999 to 21 June, 1999 when the last Radio report was made “Free Kosovo” from this country”, he declared from the top of Pallanik, from where Radio “Free Kosovo” operated with a special mission at the time.
While listening to the confessions from Riza Berisha, a member of the Radio war team at the time, a KLA soldier who participated in building of the bunker in January 1999, the Prime Minister expressed special congratulations and gratitude to the liberators and messengers.
“To all of you who have contributed, committed, sacrificed in an unprecedented, unimaginable risk, we express our deepest gratitude and highest thanks”, said the prime minister.
The Bunker -Studio of Radio “Free Kosova”, which was one of the main sources of news for Albanians, was built by order of the general staff of the Kosovo Liberation Army with the mission of spreading the truth during the last war in Kosovo.

Last modified: June 14, 2024

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