Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Vitia welcomed the 32 new health and pharmaceutical inspectors

April 15, 2024

Prishtina, 15 April, 2024

In the premises of the Open Balcony of the Government, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Bardhyl Dobra, welcomed the 24 new health inspectors and 8 new pharmaceutical inspectors.

“From 11 health inspectors, you are becoming 35. From 12 pharmaceutical inspectors, you are becoming 20. So, 32 new inspectors in total, which means three times more inspectors in the health field”, Prime Minister Kurti began his speech, evaluating high the extraordinary duty of inspectors, who, as he said, are the eyes and ears of citizens’ complaints when it comes to health services.

With the signing of the new contracts, the prime minister said that solutions are also needed for the logistical challenges, in which case the procedures for the special facility for the Inspectorate that will be renovated, as well as the addition of the car fleet that contributes to the smooth running of the work and speed of results.

At the same time, the Law on the Central Inspectorate is being finalized, which regulates even better the exercise of tasks and responsibilities for inspectors. Thus, the inspection capacities are expected to be very high from the institution that can turn the remarks and dissatisfaction of some citizens into an improved service for all citizens, continued the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, regarding this important event, the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, expressed his thanks regarding the work of the inspectors, referring to them as the last dam of quality in our health services.
He promised that all logistical conditions, all that they need as necessary tools for work, the spaces where they will work as the Minister of Health together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration, will meet all their needs for all this extraordinary work, which is expected to be done by them.

Congratulating all the new health and pharmaceutical inspectors, the prime minister declared that we will further increase the number of inspectors, because they are the guarantee of the implementation of laws and equal treatment for patients.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Good day everyone and thank you very much for bringing us together on an important day both for you and for us, but above all for the citizen, for public health, for well-being in our Republic.

Dear Dr. Arben Vitia, Minister of Health,
Honorable Bardhyl Dobra, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Ladies and gentleman,

From 11 health inspectors, you are becoming 35. From 12 pharmaceutical inspectors, you are becoming 20. So, 32 new inspectors in total, which means three times more inspectors in the health field.

Mathematically, as of today, we have three times more inspection capacity. But I expect the number of inspections to be not only three times higher, but much more than that.

You have an extraordinary task because to say it is important seems a little to me. You are both the eyes and the ears of citizens’ complaints when it comes to health services.

You are the institution that can turn the remarks and dissatisfaction of some citizens into an improved service for all citizens.

In a way, you are the last dam of care for those who may have lacked quality or even equal care.
While you will start work, we are engaged in finalizing the Law on the Central Inspectorate. With it, the exercise of tasks and responsibilities for inspectors will be better regulated.

We will further increase the number of inspectors, because you are the guarantee of law enforcement and equal treatment of patients.

With the increase of inspectors who are a solution for better services, we are aware that we will also have logistical challenges that will also require solutions, but with everything we can and know, we will certainly succeed.

We have already started the procedures for the special facility for the Inspectorate, which will be renovated, and we hope that it will be ready for use as soon as possible. We will also increase the fleet of cars that is vital for the smooth running of the work and for the speed of the results.

So, congratulations to each and every one of you, and much success and good luck in exercising the responsibilities that come with your position.

Congratulations once again and thank you very much.

Last modified: April 16, 2024

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