Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti visited the works of Telecom of Kosovo in the village of Çaber in Zubin Potok

March 12, 2024

Zubin Potok, 12 February, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, today visited the works of Telecom of Kosovo in the village of Çaber in Zubin Potok, on the occasion of the completion of the works for the replacement of the base station of transmission. He was accompanied by the CEO of Telecom, Burbuqe Hana, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli and the chairman of the Telecom Union, Lamih Balaj.

Since 2021, Telekom of Kosova has started radical investments in the field of mobile telephony. On this occasion, we are moving from the current technology of “Alcatel” to the most modern technology of the time in partnership with the Swedish giant “Ericsson”, whose works have been completed in the Ferizaj – Gjilan regions and are continuing in the village of Çaber as part of the phase through which the Base Transmission Stations (BTS) installed in 2000 are being replaced with new ones.

Thus, Prime Minister Kurti, calling Telekom a public enterprise of national security importance, said that this enterprise is guided by the coverage and quality of the public services it offers.

“It is a pleasure to see how out of five such bases that used to be base stations in the north of Kosovo, there are now twenty, they are being modernized and all the works are being carried out by Telekom workers, without the need to transfer them to the operators various private economic activities as was done in the past”, added the prime minister.

“Every corner of our country is being covered, and the year 2024 is the year when we will have 5G technology in urban centers first, and then in every place of Kosovo, in every municipality and in every village, because we do not want to leave anyone back”, said Prime Minister Kurti, thanking all those who contributed to these works.

According to the dynamic plan, the modernization of the Kosovo Wave is expected to be completed by the end of this year, to guarantee decent coverage and services in the entire territory of the Republic, starting with 5G in our cities and continuing throughout Kosovo.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete statement:

We are here in the village of Çaber in Zubin Potok, north of Ibri in the Republic of Kosovo, where we are participating in the completion of the works for the replacement of the base station of transmission, in which case the technology of “Alcatel” is being passed so far to this one from “Ericsson”.

We talked with the workers, we came here with the CEO of Telekom, Burbuqe Hana, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, and other colleagues, where it is a pleasure to see how out of five such bases that have been base stations in the north of Kosovo, twenty are already being made, they are being modernized and all the works are being carried out by the Telekom workers, after it was necessary to transfer them to different private economic operators, as was done in the past. So assembly, replacement, disassembly, modernization, all of which are carried out by the workers, engineers of Telecom of Kosovo.

Telecom of Kosovo is a strategic public enterprise of our country, of the importance of national security. In addition to providing public services and with these base stations, we are proving that Telekom of Kosova is not guided simply by its own financial profit, but by the coverage and quality of the public services it offers. Every corner of our country is being covered and this year 2024 is the year when we will have 5G technology in urban centers first and then in every place of Kosovo, in every municipality and in every village, because we do not want to leave none back.

Therefore, I thank the chief, Burbuqe Hana, the head of the union, Lamih Balaj, the minister of economy, Artane Rizvanolli, who worked together and brought us to a day like this when we witness the installation and placement of these base stations in the north of Kosovo, where they have been absent for more than two decades.

Last modified: March 12, 2024

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