Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Memorandum of Cooperation is signed between the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration and the University of Public Services of Hungary, Ludovika

May 13, 2024

Budapest, 13 May, 2024

In Budapest, an important moment of the deepening of cooperation between the Republic of Kosovo and Hungary was marked today. During this visit to the Hungarian capital, the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration and the University of Public Services of Hungary, Ludovika.

This memorandum aims to encourage intercultural activities and various projects between the two institutions, intensifying and increasing cooperation and coordination in areas of common interest, especially regarding public administration.

At the signing ceremony, the first deputy prime minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, was present, accompanied by the deputy minister of internal affairs, Bardhyl Dobra and the charge d’affaires of the Kosovo embassy in Hungary, Naser Idrizi. On the Kosovo side, the agreement was signed by the executive director of the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration, Lule Isufi, while on the Hungarian side it was signed by Gergely Deli, rector of this state university.

Among other things, in this memorandum, cooperation frameworks are defined, including training programs and exchange of experiences, affecting not only the field of public administration but also that of governance and capacity building.

Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi expressed the importance of this initiative, in deepening the relations between our two states, increasing the level of preparation and standards of public administration as a key part of our journey towards European integration, and reducing the cost of services provided to citizens.

While Deputy Minister Dobra emphasized that the reform of the public administration remains a priority in the Government’s efforts for a more efficient administration and for essential change in the medium and long term. Emphasizing the technological innovations and the addition of online services for citizens, he invited the representatives of the University to the next public administration conference held in a new format in September of this year.

Last modified: May 14, 2024

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