Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti visits the restored houses and participates in the opening of the fair “Welcome to Janjevë”

October 7, 2024

Janjevë, 7 October, 2024

In Janjevë, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Çeku, visited the Church of Saint Nicholas, where they also met the priest Don Matej Paliq, as well as saw the restored houses up close. of the area.

During his stay in Janjevë, the prime minister also participated in the opening of the fair “Welcome to Janjevë”, together with the ambassador of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Aivo Orav, the ambassador of Croatia in Kosovo, Danijela Barisic and the head of the UNDP in Kosovo Nuno Queiros. Further, he also visited the Mosque of Murat Bey in Janjevë, where he was received by the Chief Imam of Kosovo, Vedat ef. Sahiti and Imam of Janjeva Beqir Krasniqi.

In his speech at the opening of the fair, Prime Minister Kurti said that our government is investing through three ministries in Janjevë.

“The Ministry of Culture, in the restoration and re-functionalization of 14 traditional houses, the improvement of infrastructure and human capacities for tourism and management, then the Ministry of Regional Development in the improvement of road infrastructure in the old area of ​​the town of Janjeva, as well as the Ministry of Administration of Local Government in the extension of the water supply system in the city,” said the Prime Minister.

He added that this program would not be complete without the support of our international partners, such as the European Union Office in Kosovo and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

“This project opens a bridge of cooperation between Kosovo and the Janjeva diaspora, which has migrated to Croatia, thus creating a strong opportunity and reason for return and co-investment in Janjeva. Through the investments made, the centuries-old old houses, this town is returning to its former glory, and along with this, the economic vitality. The restored houses will be ready to serve either for housing, guesthouses, gastronomy, and the sale of local products produced by the farmers and artisans of this settlement,” concluded the prime minister.

After his speech, Prime Minister Kurti met the residents of the area and the participants in the fair from local producers and business representatives.

The fair was organized as part of the project “Cultural heritage as a stimulus for the economic revival of Janjeva”, financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. It aims to highlight the cultural identity of the village by providing a platform for local artisans and producers to exhibit their work, to preserve, protect and revive cultural heritage, promote awareness and ensure its protection, expand socio- economic and economic development for the residents of Janjeva.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech at the opening of the fair:

The honorable Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Hajrulla Ceku,
Honorable head of the European Union office in Kosovo, ambassador Mr. Aivo Orav,
Dear Ms. Danijela Barisic, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear Mr. Nuno Queirós, resident representative of UNDP in Kosovo,
Dear Don Matej,
Dear representatives of the religious communities here, Catholic and Islamic,
Dear Yanjevas,

Thank you for this warm hospitality in this place where nature and tradition meet and harmonize so beautifully and so well.

We are gathered here today in this picturesque town, with a rich and varied history and cultural and natural heritage, the birthplace of Atë Shtjefën Gjeçov, which is coming back to life and receiving the attention it deserves from the state.

Our government is investing through three ministries in Janjevë. The Ministry of Culture, in the restoration and re-functionalization of 14 traditional houses, the improvement of infrastructure and human capacities for tourism and management, then the Ministry of Regional Development in the improvement of road infrastructure in the old area of ​​the town of Janjeva, as well as the Ministry of Public Administration Local in the extension of the water supply in the city.

And this program would not be complete without the support of our international partners, the European Union Office in Kosovo and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

This project opens a bridge of cooperation between Kosovo and the Janjeva diaspora, which has migrated to Croatia, thus creating opportunities and strong reasons for return and co-investment in Janjeva.

Through the investments made, the centuries-old old houses, this town is returning to its former glory, and along with this, the economic vitality.

The restored houses will be ready to serve either for housing, hostels, gastronomy, and the sale of local products produced by the farmers and artisans of this settlement.

These projects are not only physical and infrastructural interventions. They are indicative of our commitment and dedication to the preservation and cultivation of cultural heritage, and its translation into well-being for the people and economic development for the country.

After the complete completion of the works, the historical center of Janjeva will be transformed into an attractive destination for visitors from our country and from abroad.

Today is a happy day for Janjeva, for the owners of the restored houses and in particular for the artisans who present the handicraft and agricultural products here to the public, for which we especially thank Mrs. Eleonora Kelmendi.

With the wish that the Community will be this full every time, I wish you a productive day and see you at the next fair and party.

Before we came here, dear guests, we were also giving the keys to Sister Maria here in a fully restored house that is also habitable. So allow me to say a few words in Croatian.

Izgradnja jedne kuće je obaveza za budućnost i iz tog razloga naša vlada je uložila u mnoge kuće za nevećinske zajednice od severa pa do juga Kosova. Ali renoviranje jedne kuće je potvrda ranijeg impulsa i posvećenost za život koji treba da se nastavi i cveta i na ovom mestu. Iz tog razloga, vlada je uložila 1,8 miliona evra u ove znake nade u Janjevu. Nada se vidi i u kućama, poput one gospodina Paška Ivanovića koju smo upravo obišli, žao nam je što nije mogao da dolazi danas u Janjevo ali ovde smo bili zajedno i sa sestrom Marijom i zahvaljujem joj se puno, ali takođe to se vidi u privrednim aktivnostima žena i muškaraca koji su naučili nove veštine. Ovde se dokazuje kako ove veštine kombinovane sa kreativnošću, napornim radom i hrabrošću donose ove proizvode koji se ovde vide. Kada se ulaganja vlade i međunarodnih partnera ujedine sa vremenom i znojem preduzetnika, rezultati se jasno vide.

Želim vam sretan rad i ostvarenje svih nada koje su ovde posađene, u vašim domovima i biznisima.

Hvala lepa!

Thank you!

Last modified: October 8, 2024

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