Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti took part in marking the National Day of the Republic of Croatia

May 30, 2024

Pristina, May 30, 2024

This evening, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the reception organized by the Croatian embassy on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Croatia.

Prime Minister Kurti labeled this day as a crucial moment not just for the Croatian state but also for the region, which saw the addition of a democratic republic committed to the values of freedom, equality, and with a Western orientation towards prosperity and security.

He also mentioned the fact that our countries share a historical alliance and that Croatia has been more than a partner of Kosovo. As he added that the Croatian state offers selfless support and necessary solidarity in our common search for peace, democracy and social welfare accompanied by good neighborly relations in our region.

“Croatia and its people have always offered great support to Kosovo, especially in the last 16 years since independence. Let me stress that the Republic of Kosovo greatly values this support and sees it as a sign of the close friendship between our two peoples,” the Prime Minister expressed.

During this important event, the Prime Minister emphasized that Croatia’s path towards European integration and NATO membership in 2009, alongside Albania, as well as its accession to the European Union in 2013, stands as a model for the Republic of Kosovo, an inspiration for our efforts and commitment towards the Euroatlantic integration path.

Furthermore, he thanked the Croatian state and friends from the Croatian Parliament, who have consistently supported the acquisition of associate member status in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Your excellency Fatmir Sejdiu, former president of the Republic of Kosova, 

Your excellency, Atifete Jahjaga, former president of the Republic of Kosova

Your excellency, Mrs. Danijela Barišić , ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, 

Dear ministers and deputy ministers, 

Members of parliament,

Dear ambassadors and other representatives of diplomatic corps,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentleman,

The National Day of the Republic of Croatia is a key moment, not only for the Croatian state, but also for the region to which a democratic republic was added — dedicated to the values of freedom and equality, and guided by a Western orientation towards prosperity and security.

Croatia’s path to European integration and accession to NATO in 2009, side by side with Albania, as well as its membership in the European Union in 2013, stands as a model for the Republic of Kosova, an inspiration for our efforts and our commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration.

Our countries share a historic alliance, and Croatia has been more than a partner to Kosova. Your country provides selfless support and indispensable solidarity in our joint quest for peace, democracy and social well-being coupled with good neighborly relations in our region.

Croatia and its people have always offered great support to Kosova, especially in the last 16 years since independence. I want to emphasize that the Republic of Kosova highly appreciates this support and cherishes it as a sign of the close friendship between our two peoples. We face many common challenges. Therefore, we must continue to preserve universal democratic values with the political and cultural pluralism of our societies.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosova, I thank our friends from the Croatian Parliament, who continuously supported us in obtaining the status of associate member in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. This achievement comes after several years of excellent cooperation between the Assembly of the Republic of Croatia and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Yesterday there was a concert showcasing our musicians. I say our musicians because the collaboration between Kosova and Croatia in cultural fields is strong as seen by the Croatian guitar quartet with Petrit Çeku, Zoran Dukic, Maroje Brcic and Tvrtko Saric.

The concert was the best example of our longstanding relationship as states which continues to flourish evermore, every year. Our two countries have benefited from our professional cooperation since the founding of our first music school in Prizren in the 40s. I am sure this collaboration will continue and grow in the future.

Dear friends, I was personally fond of Croatian writers, from Tin Ujević to Miroslav Krleža to Slavenka Drakulić; Croatian singers from Tereza Kesovija to Oliver Dragojević to Dino Dvornik; music bands from Parni Valjak to Prljavo Kazalište to Psihomodo Pop; Croatian famous basketball players, from Krešimir Ćosić to Dražen Petrović to Toni Kukoč; famous football players, before Luka Modrić, there were Zvonimir Boban and Davor Šuker, and before them, there were Ivan Gudelj and Blaž Slišković. Velimir Zajec, too old for me to remember him playing, but let him know not.

Now that I am saying all these names for some reason I remember forgetting Dubravka Ugrešić, Arsen Dedic, Robert Prosinečki, to name just a few.

The feeling of deep respect and appreciation for the Republic of Croatia naturally makes us share with the Croatian people the pride and joy you must feel when you mark great dates from your history like today. May 30, 1990, is one of those unforgettable days jotted down in modern Croatian history, as the foundation on which you built your thriving democracy, and your journey towards independence.

Happy National Day to the beautiful Croatian country and its peace-loving people!

Svim Hrvaticama i Hrvatima čestitam Dan Državnosti Republike Hrvatske. Neka živi vječno, i u miru božjem! Hvala vam.

Last modified: June 3, 2024

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