Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated in the opening day of the “Science and Culture Fair” at the “Xhevdet Doda” gymnasium

May 2, 2024

Prishtina, 2 May, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, during the afternoon visited the High School, “Xhevdet Doda” in Prishtina, on the occasion of the organization of the 5th edition of the “Science Fair and Culture”, which is being held in the premises of this school.

Welcomed by the Director of the School, Bardhyl Kabashi and his staff, Prime Minister Kurti expressed his gratitude for their continuous work and contribution to the education and training of the younger generations, as he congratulated them on the organization of the Fair. Meanwhile, he congratulated the students for their ideas, projects and works, encouraging them to continue their interest in science, culture and technology and to continuously nurture the curiosity of the scientist.

The “Science and Culture Fair” has as its main goal that young women and men express their knowledge, show their creativity and acquired skills in the fields of science, technology, art and culture.

With the motto “Today’s Science is Future Technology”, the fair provides a platform for students to showcase their innovative ideas and scientific experiments.

It is held on May 2 and 3. During these two days at the Fair, the works of students from school subjects such as mathematics, biology, physics, astronomy, technology, chemistry, history, psychology, philosophy are exhibited, to end at the corner of traditional culture and the corner of interactive games.


Last modified: May 3, 2024

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