Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute at the Memorial Complex “Dëshmorët e Kombit” in Gllogjan

March 24, 2023


Gllogjan, March 24, 2023

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, the Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, as well as the commander of the KSF, Bashkim Jashari, paid tribute today at the Memorial Complex “Dëshmorët e Kombit” in Gllogjan, as well as participated in the Memorial Academy on the occasion of the manifestation of the Dukagjini Epic.

After the tributes, Prime Minister Kurti visited the Haradinaj family, in which case they were received by the president of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, to then continue to the Memorial Academy.

“In the early spring of 1998, after the unprecedented resistance of the Jasharajs in Prekaz on March 5, 6 and 7, the strong resistance of the Haradinaj and Mehmetaj families in Gllogjan comes on March 24. Both of these had one enemy – Serbia, they had one goal – freedom”, Prime Minister Kurti began his speech before many present at the Memorial Academy.

The fierce battle of March 24, according to the Prime Minister, proved the courage and determination of the Haradinaj family and of our people on the path to liberation.

“The tower does not kneel, the KLA is not defeated, Kosovo is not submitted. This was the message that fascist Serbia received that day from the tower of Uncle Hilmi”, he said.

The prime minister emphasized that our main focus as a government has been and is investing in the army, in the noble defense of our country and that by remembering the KLA, developing the KSF, and so protecting the Republic, advancing the nation, and contributing to Europe.

While recalling the anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbian military and police targets on March 24, 1999, he said that NATO stopped the genocide against the Albanian people by the fascist regime of Milosevic.

At the end of his speech, the prime minister said that thanks to the liberation war of the Liberation Army of Kosovo, Albania and the support of our partners, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, as well as other members of NATO, we are free and as such we will move forward together.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Honorable Haradinaj and Mehmetaj families,
Honorable Minister of Defense Mr. Armend Mehaj and KSF Commander-in-Chief, Bashkim Jashari,
Honorable KSF generals, officers and soldiers,
Honorable Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Members of the Assembly,
Honorable Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, “Commander Smajli” of the Dukagjini Operative Zone and now the chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo,
Honorable Mayor of Deçan, Mr. Ramosaj,
And other mayors of Kosovo municipalities,
Honorable representatives of the associations that emerged from the war,
Honorable families of martyrs, invalids and KLA veterans,
Honorable attendees,
Ladies and gentlemen, sisters and brothers,

In the early spring of 1998, after the unprecedented resistance of the Jasharajs in Prekaz on March 5, 6 and 7, the strong resistance of the Haradinaj and Mehmetaj families in Gllogjan comes on March 24. Both of these had one enemy – Serbia, and one goal – freedom.

The fierce battle of March 24 proved the courage and determination of the Haradinaj family and our people on the path to liberation. “The tower does not kneel, the KLA is not defeated, Kosovo is not submitted. This was the message that fascist Serbia received that day from the tower of Uncle Hilmi.

Located in four positions: Hilmi Haradinaj together with Mejreme and Frasher, Ramush Haradinaj together with Bujar, Daut with Rasim and Kujtim, and Shkëlzen with Enver, kept the tower standing, kept the people standing. On the same day, the following were martyred: Gazmend Mehmetaj, Himë Haradinaj and Agron Mehmetaj, whose sacrifice we honor today and remember with the highest respect.

Today, a quarter of a century later, divided into three groups, 60 soldiers of the Kosovo Security Force marched towards Gllogjan from three directions: Junik – Gramaqel – Gllogjan, Junik – Irzniq – Gllogjan and Gllogjan – Ratish – Jabllanice. This march symbolizes the lines of supply of armaments that started from Albania, necessary armaments, and indispensable armament, to develop our liberation war. With this march, the KSF has followed the steps and followed the path of the KLA, whose successor it is.
Our army is consolidating professionally and operationally, always in the service of freedom and security, peace and democracy, and alongside our allies. For 24 months, 1240 new soldiers have been added to our army. While in the testing and selection phase, there are currently 612 active soldiers and 388 reserves. With last year’s legal changes, KSF will no longer have a limit on the number, and all young men and women up to the age of 25 will have the right to apply.

Honorable ladies and gentlemen,

The Haradinaj family knows well the value of freedom and the army. It is a family of martyrs of the nation with generals from the war. The army is an inseparable part of this family. Today in our army we have Luan, Lieutenant Luan Haradinaj, who diligently and devotedly serves his country in the uniform of the KSF.

Our main focus as a government has been and is investing in the army, in the noble defense of our country. Remembering KLA, developing KSF, we protect the Republic, advance the nation, and contribute to Europe.

Our justice and nobility made us gain allies in our support and by our side. It is precisely March 24, 1999, when the NATO alliance began bombing Serbian military and police targets. In the political aspect, Bill Clinton, in the diplomatic aspect, Madeleine Albright, in the information aspect, James Rubin, in the military aspect, Wesley Clark. It was this combination that ended the occupation of Serbia and gave our people hope.

The bombings, which lasted 78 days, stopped the genocide against the Albanian people by the fascist regime of Milosevic. This act gave strong support to our country not only in the military aspect but also in the strong confirmation that the right was on our side and that Serbia was the aggressor who was committing genocide against the Albanian people of Kosovo.

So thanks to the liberation war of the Liberation Army of Kosovo, Albania and the support of our partners, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, as well as other NATO members, we are free and as such we will move forward together.

As we stand here today, by this tower, we remember our starting point and also our destination.

From this place in which we came together for liberation, from this place we say that only together we can protect and build and develop our Kosovo.

Glory to all those who fell for the freedom of Kosovo! Glory to the Haradinaj and Mehmetaj families! Glory to all martyrs the heroes of the nation!

Thank you.

Last modified: March 28, 2023

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