Zyra e Kryeministrit

211th meeting of the Government

June 28, 2024

Prishtina, 28 June 2024

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held a regular meeting today, in which:
– Approved the Administrative Instruction for Fees for Products, Cadastral Geodetic Services and Property Registration. Some of the basic changes that this instruction addresses and regulates are the unification of fees for all services, the fees for products and services provided for in this Instruction reflect the cost and time of performing cadastral services, and all products will be able to be offered in the digital form. With this administrative instruction, all students from Kosovo and those coming from other countries with the purpose of preparing seminars and diploma theses, self-supporting mothers, persons with social assistance, namely women on social assistance, persons with disabilities, victims of domestic violence and survivors of sexual violence during the war are exempted from paying for cadastral services and products.

– Extended the mandate of Arben Gashi as an investigator of Aeronautical Accidents and Incidents within the Commission for the Investigation of Aeronautical Accidents and Incidents.

– Appointed ad hoc Committee for Professional Evaluation for Admission to the Senior Position of the Management Category of the General Executive Director of the Food and Veterinary Agency with this composition:

o Ilir Mucaj, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chairman
o Jeton Qela, u.d. Secretary General of MLGA, member
o Besim Kamberaj, u.d. Secretary General in the MFA, member
o Haxhi Metaj, external expert, member
o Qamil Ajvazi, Leader of the HRSU, member

Prohibited the operation of the services of the Social Network “TikTok” in all Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, with the aim of eliminating cyber security risks from the use of this social network. With this decision, all public institutions that own and manage state communication networks are obliged to impose the necessary technical restrictions to stop the operation of the services of the social network “TikTok” in official workplaces, as well as obliges all public officials using official devices to remove this application along with its installer files.

– Allocated 20,721.00 Euros for the fulfillment of the annual contribution of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2024 to the Regional Center of the Regional Initiative for Migration, Asylum and Refugees. This budget allocation today took into account the importance of the presence of the Republic of Kosovo in regional organizations, especially in the field of migration.

– Approved the 2024-2028 State Strategy Against Drugs and the 2024-2026 Action Plan. This strategy aims to raise institutional capacities for investigating and combating drug trafficking, as well as reducing the presence and consumption of drugs in Kosovo, thus reducing the negative consequences that drugs bring and creating a healthy and safe society.

– Adopted the Employment Strategy in Kosovo 2024-2028 and the Action Plan 2024-2025. This strategy is multi-sector that aims to increase the stability of the labor market and inclusiveness of citizens. It represents our efforts to increase employment opportunities with a special focus on women, youth and other vulnerable groups in the labor market. A key part of the strategy is also the improvement of the professional education and training system to increase the skills and competencies of the workforce, which will be realized through the strengthening of vocational training centers and the adaptation of the treatment offer to the needs of the labor market.

– Approved the Report on the Implementation of the State Debt Program. This report shows that Kosovo has one of the lowest levels of state debt in the continent of Europe, which on December 31, 2023 constituted 17.52% of the Gross Domestic Product.

– Approved the Draft Law for the Ratification of Amendment of the Agreement for the Membership of the Republic of Kosovo in the International Monetary Fund and the Organizations of the World Bank Group.

– Approved the Draft Law for the Ratification of the Loan Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Investment Bank for the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Project in KEK – Porta Globale


Last modified: July 1, 2024

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