Zyra e Kryeministrit

Inauguratation of Path of Freedom “Pashtrik” in Has-Pashtrik

June 15, 2024

Has-Pashtrik, 15 June 2024

As part of the state activities marking the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the country, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the inauguration of the Path of Freedom “Pashtriku”, Has-Pashtrik. This was where 25 years ago 42 soldiers of the Kosovo Liberation Army fell, transporting weapons from Albania to Kosovo.

“13 December 1998, under very difficult weather conditions, snow, frost and low temperatures, did not shake the will and dedication of 147 soldiers led by Muje Krasniqi to take the road to carry out the operation to supply the KLA with additional forces and arms,” said the Prime Minister.

He recalled that exactly on the 14th December of last year, with the initiative of the Veterans Organization of the UÇK of the Has Branch, the Kosovo Search-Rescue Association, and the Federation of Motorcycling of Kosovo, and with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, we started the project that we are inaugurating today – the marking of the “Path of Freedom” also as a racing path for motorcyclists and a hiking trail for mountaineers.

“By following this route, motorcyclists will be able to experience the natural beauty of our mountains, but also learn about the heroic efforts of the KLA soldiers. By bringing our glorious history to mind for all those who pass this path by walking, we are at the same time promoting the development of mountain and rural tourism,” said the prime minister.

And from Pashtriku mountains, Prime Minister Kurti had another message: “As we move towards a bright future, let us never forget where we come from and how high was the price our people paid, so that today we could have the democratic Republic, the independent state, the state institutions and economic development, with talented and unyielding youth when it comes to success and progress”.

The Path of Freedom “Pashtriku”, stretches 27 km, going from Kruma to Cahan, from Pashtriku’s huts to Has lakes. Today for the first time the Motorcycle Federation of Kosovo organizes the “Kosovo Cup” race with participants from Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia, who will start the race from the Has Lakes to finish it in Krume.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Honorable Chairman of the Kosovo Motorcycling Federation, Mr. Nuhi Llugaxhiu,
Dear Mayor of Kruma Municipality, Mr. Miftar Dauti,
Honourable Chairman of the UÇK Veterans Organization of the Has Branch, Mr. Xhevdet Thaqi,
Honourable Mr. Mahir Hasani, KLA Commander,
Dear athletes, motorcyclists, and all of you present,

Today, on 15 June, in the week when we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, filled with pride and humility, we remember all those who fell martyrs, who gave their lives for the liberation of the country and for the freedom of the people.

Today, after more than 25 years, we meet here in the mountains of Pashtrik, so elevated and majestic, bearing on their shoulders the truth of 42 soldiers of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who fell martyrs while transporting weapons from Albania to Kosovo.

13 December 1998, under very difficult weather conditions, snow, frost and low temperatures, did not shake the will and dedication of 147 soldiers led by Muje Krasniqi to take the road to carry out the operation to supply the KLA with additional forces and arms.

The Path of Freedom “Pashtriku”, stretches 27 km, going from Kruma to Cahan, from Pashtriku’s huts to Has lakes where we are here today, the place where on 14 December 1998, 42 soldiers gave their lives for freedom.

Exactly on the 14th December of last year, with the initiative of the Veterans Organization of the UÇK of the Has Branch, the Kosovo Search-Rescue Association, and the Federation of Motorcycling of Kosovo, and with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, we started the project that we are inaugurating today – the marking of the “Path of Freedom” also as a racing path for motorcyclists and a hiking trail for mountaineers.

Today for the first time the Motorcycle Federation of Kosovo organizes the “Kosovo Cup” race with participants from Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia, who will start the race from the Has Lakes to finish it in Krume.

Through this race, which will turn into a traditional race, on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, we are building a bridge between yesterday’s sacrifice and today’s freedom.

By following this route, motorcyclists will be able to experience the natural beauty of our mountains, but also learn about the heroic efforts of the KLA soldiers. By bringing our glorious history to mind for all those who pass this path by walking, we are at the same time promoting the development of mountain and rural tourism.

As we move towards a bright future, let us never forget where we come from and how high was the price our people paid, so that today we could have the democratic Republic, the independent state, the state institutions and economic development, with talented and unyielding youth when it comes to success and progress.

Those Serbian criminals who, dressed in military, paramilitary and police uniforms, set up ambushes in the mountains of Kosovo, have fled. Meanwhile, here we are, the people, the descendants of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who celebrate the liberation of our country but at the same time commemorate the sacrifice, the devotion, the heroic fall of those martyrs to whom we owe the joy of freedom and the state we enjoy.

Glory to all the martyrs of the Kosovo Liberation Army and may all the motorcyclists participating in the Kosovo Cup have a good journey.

Best of luck and thank you.

Last modified: June 25, 2024

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