Zyra e Kryeministrit

State reception held in honor of Kosovo Liberation Day

June 12, 2024

Prishtina, June 12, 2024

As part of the activities and events marking the 25th anniversary of Kosovo’s Liberation Day, a state reception was held by President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani Sadriu, Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

Present in this event were also leaders of local and international institutions, President of Albania, Bajram Begaj, ambassadors, and diplomatic representatives. On this occasion, the Prime Minister began the speech by recalling the weeks and months of the spring 1999 that culminated in the liberation of Kosovo.

“The people of Kosovo welcomed the NATO soldiers with open arms and hearts, with smiles and cheers, as liberators just like the fighters of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Soldiers were greeted everywhere with flowers while the flags of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other countries were flying alongside Albanian flag, “ said the Prime Minister.

He further emphasized that freedom came thanks to the sacrifice of the people, the resistance of the KLA and the intervention of the largest military alliance in the history of mankind – NATO. “So, today the foundations of our state are strong because they were built on the blood of martyrs, from the resistance of the people, and with the support of allies,” he added.

Prime Minister Kurti also singled out “four important figures, with whom we have named our squares and streets and erected statues to them around Kosovo cities. President Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Secretary Madeleine Albright and General Wesley Clark, for whom the history of Kosovo will save the brightest pages for their contribution and role in our freedom.”

At the end of his speech, the prime minister spoke about the history of Kosovo’s success, the progress of development that our country has seen: “A quarter of a century after the departure of the occupying armed forces of Serbia, Kosovo is a champion in Western Balkans for progress in democracy and rule of law, for respect of human rights and fight against corruption. Kosovo’s economy or the Gross Domestic Product this year will be five and a half times larger than in 2000, almost three times larger than the in 2008 the year of declaration of our independence, and 50% higher than four years ago. The liberation of the country, the declaration of independence and good governance have greatly contributed to civil democracy and also to economic growth.”

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Dear presidents of the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Albania, Ms. Vjosa Osmani Sadriu, and Mr. Bajram Begaj,
Dear Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Glauk Konjufca,
The Honorable Lord George Robertson, former NATO Secretary-General,
Honorable former presidents of the Republic of Croatia and the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Stjepan Mesic and Mrs. Micheline Calmy-Rey,
The honorable Mr. Mate Granic, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia,
Honorable Ambassador William Walker, former chief of Mission of the Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe, OSCE in Kosovo,
Dear Members of Parliament, Government Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers,
Dear leaders of political entities and representatives of institutions from North Macedonia, the Presheva Valley, Montenegro, Albania and Diaspora,
Distinguished ambassadors and international friends,
Dear leaders and representatives of state institutions, municipal mayors and representatives of the civil society in Kosovo,
Honorable religious leaders,
Honourable Grand Mufti Naim Ternava
Ladies and gentleman,
Sisters and brothers,

We are gathered again today, with friends, partners, and allies to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kosovo’s liberation.

The weeks and months of the spring of 1999 were very difficult and severe, a quarter-century ago, the scorched earth operations and the genocidal plan of Serbia brought loss, suffering and immeasurable destruction throughout Kosovo.

But when the first NATO soldiers entered Kosovo, faces covered with sorrow and eyes that had seen the darkest days of their lives began to shine with tears of joy.

“The people of Kosovo welcomed the NATO soldiers with open arms and hearts, with smiles and cheers, as liberators just like the fighters of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Soldiers were greeted everywhere with flowers while the flags of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other countries were flying alongside Albanian flag, “ said the Prime Minister.

He further emphasized that freedom came thanks to the sacrifice of the people, the resistance of the KLA and the intervention of the largest military alliance in the history of mankind – NATO. “So, today the foundations of our state are strong because they were built upon the blood of martyrs, from the resistance of the people, and with the support of allies,” he added.

On this day, the list of thanks is long, but I want to single out four figures after whom we have named our squares and streets and have erected statues in the cities of Kosovo. President Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Secretary Madeleine Albright and General Wesley Clark, for whom the history of Kosovo will save the brightest pages for their contribution and role in our freedom.

As Prime Minister Tony Blair said in the Assembly two days ago, freedom alone is not enough. It is not enough without democratic institutions and the rule of law because we have seen how easily it can be taken from within by autocrats. It is not enough without the freedom of expression and freedom of the media, without the right to criticize and protest, without fear of punishment, but it is also not enough without equal opportunities for a successful life.

“A quarter of a century after the departure of the occupying armed forces of Serbia, Kosovo is a champion in Western Balkans for progress in democracy and rule of law, for respect of human rights and fight against corruption. Kosovo’s economy or the Gross Domestic Product this year will be five and a half times larger than in 2000, almost three times larger than the in 2008 the year of declaration of our independence, and 50% higher than four years ago. The liberation of the country, the declaration of independence and good governance have greatly contributed to civil democracy and also to economic growth.

Today we remember and honor all those who contributed to freedom, but we also celebrate the achievements in peacetimes. Kosovo is progressing more and more to successes in sports and culture, placing us on the global map of success.

The successes of our youth are testament to the power of freedom. It is this freedom earned with so much effort and sacrifice that has enabled the progress and extraordinary achievements we enjoy today.

Thank you and enjoy Kosovo’s liberation day to all of you.

Last modified: June 19, 2024

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