Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s address at the 208th meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo

June 13, 2024

Prishtina, 13 June, 2024
Dear Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Dear citizens,
Congratulations on a quarter of a century of freedom from this hall as well. It is not too much to congratulate each other once again on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of our country.
It is never enough to express our gratitude and respect to all those who sacrificed for freedom. Glory to all those who fell on Kosovo’s long and difficult road to liberation.
We are eternally grateful to our international friends and allies. I am coming to the meeting from the meeting with the great friend of Kosovo and the truth, the American diplomat William Walker. This extraordinary man was the one who raised his voice about the injustices and atrocities that were happening in our country. With courage and integrity, Ambassador Walker and the OSCE Verification Mission documented and witnessed the serious crimes being committed by Serbia against our people.
Reports from the field served as a call to international consciousness and prompted a response from the international community. That engagement and that testimony were the catalysts that led to NATO’s intervention. The work and dedication of Ambassador Walker and his teams were essential in bringing the truth to light and securing the international support that helped us achieve our freedom. Therefore, a special thanks to all those men and women, members of the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo, about 1400, gratitude to each and every one who engaged in this mission for nearly six months, from October 1998- until March 1999.
This week, and especially yesterday, has been the culminating point of the organizations that we have done within the framework of the State Agenda for marking the 25th anniversary of liberation. It continues in the following days of this month. On June 15, the “Pashtriku” Freedom Trail is inaugurated in Has. On June 19, the book “Albanians and Serbs – the truth against the untruth” by the late professor, graphic designer Shyqri Nimani is promoted in the National Gallery of Kosovo. Meanwhile, on June 21, the exhibition and concert for World Music Day “Sounds in Images” will be held by the Association of Composers of Kosovo.
Being well aware of the dimensions of planning, coordination and institutional organization for marking this jubilee anniversary, I want to thank all state officials and state institutions for their commitment and work, as well as for the reception, welcome, and care for the invited guests who enriched our party.
One of them, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Tony Blair, in the Assembly of our Republic, said, freedom in itself is not enough. To the struggle for freedom, we must all always attach development, well-being, discipline, service, focused attention to justice and our unstoppable zeal for these and not only.
The economy of our country or the Gross Domestic Product this year will be five and a half times bigger than in 2000. We are not comparing it with 1999, when it was the year of the return of refugees after the war, but we are comparing it with the year 2000. After less than 25 years the economy has grown five and a half times. Meanwhile, compared to the year when independence was declared in 2008, this year we will have a Gross Domestic Product almost three times larger than in that year, and compared to four years earlier, this year we have a 50% higher Gross Domestic Product. Citizens are also freer and the state is more independent and developed than ever before. Democracy is always healthier, and governance is getting better and better. So the liberation, the nationwide and intergenerational sacrifice, the declaration of independence have been well worth it, both in terms of economic growth and in terms of citizen democracy.
Our work continues, it must continue. On the agenda of today’s meeting, among the important decisions, we have a special and important one. For the first time after the end of the war, the Republic of Kosovo will have a Strategy for Transitional Justice. The people of Kosovo have gone through great challenges, experienced immeasurable pain and suffering. This strategic document is another step forward in our efforts to address the wounds of the past and build a fairer future for all our citizens.
Adopting this strategy is only the first step. Its implementation requires commitment, cooperation and support from all of us. The commitment shown in the design of this strategy, I am convinced, will continue in its implementation. Therefore, I express my gratitude for the commitment and contribution of everyone in the drafting and consultation process: the institutions of the Republic, civil society organizations, academia, human rights researchers and activists, education workers, intellectuals, journalists, religious communities in Kosovo, legal professionals, the security sector, social workers, and above all the victims, survivors of crimes committed during the war and the family of each and every one of them.
Thank you for your support in this very important process for all of us.

Last modified: June 14, 2024

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