Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti met with representatives of the “Yes-EU” innovation group

June 11, 2024


Prishtina, 11 June 2024
On the sidelines of the Western Balkans summit organized by The Economist Group, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, met with representatives from the “Yes-EU” innovation group. The delegation of this group was led by the leader Benedikt Gudmundsson, and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Össur Skarphéðinsson, was also a participant.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Kurti was accompanied in this meeting by the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli and the Chief of Staff, Luan Dalipi.
The “Yes-EU” group is internationally recognized in the field of innovation for various implemented projects, focused and specialized in energy projects, with an emphasis on the transition to renewable energy as well as green transport.
Prime Minister Kurti welcomed them to Kosovo and expressed his gratitude for their interest in getting to know our country and researching investment opportunities in the country. The Prime Minister presented the representatives of “Yes-EU” with the development and economic progress that our country has known in the last three years, especially the advances in the field of energy and technology, namely investments in these sectors.
He expressed the Government’s commitment to green investments aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable urban mobility, in order to protect the environment.
Inviting them to invest in Kosovo, as a country that offers favorable space for development, green energy production and technology advancement, the prime minister wished the “Yes-EU” group a fruitful stay and the most productive meetings.

Last modified: June 11, 2024

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