Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti at the concert of the singer, Shkurte Fejza “50 years of the voice of the nation”: In the dark days of captivity, you inspired and comforted us, you gave us hope and strength

June 8, 2024

Prishtina, 8 June, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the concert of the well-known singer, Shkurte Fejza, “50 years of the voice of the nation”, on the 50th anniversary of her career, organized and held within the framework of the state agenda for marking the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo.
Under the festive atmosphere of the concert, the prime minister had a speech where he emphasized how difficult it is to take the floor before the song, and doubly difficult in front of the 50th anniversary celebration of the lady who took the floor for the endurance and sacrifice of the Albanian people.
“With you, Shkurte, all of Kosovo took the bow of unification with musical notes. Shkurte, this half century of your song is full of a long century of our people. In the dark days of captivity, we here and the sisters of our exiled brothers, you inspired and comforted us, you gave us hope and strength, so that my heart never forgets your love for Kosovo and the nation”, said the prime minister.
In front of many people present at this concert, the prime minister said that we will take the circuit tonight as before with your songs: “the circuit of common love for our land, the circuit of our eternal love for free life, of the immortal love of to each and every one who was born, loved, worked, fought, fell and lives for Kosovo”.
Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:
Honorable Speaker Glauk, Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Donika,
Dear ministers, deputies and representatives of institutions, mayors of municipalities,
Dear ambassadors and representatives of friendly countries,
Dear composer of “Xhamadani Vija Vija”, Zef Çopa,
Dear participants from Kosovo, Albania, other Albanian territories and from exile,
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear sisters and brothers,
It is difficult to speak before the song, and doubly difficult in front of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the lady who took the floor for the endurance and sacrifice of the Albanian people. Therefore, I apologize to Mrs. Fejza, that I am taking the floor very briefly to thank you from my heart and from the big heart of the people of Kosovo.
With you, Shkurte, all of Kosovo took the bow of unification with musical notes. Shkurte, this half century of your song is full of a long century of our people. In the dark days of captivity, we here and the sisters of our exiled brothers, you inspired and comforted us, you gave us hope and strength, so that my heart never forgets your love for Kosovo and the nation.
So we will take the circle tonight as well as before with your songs: the circle of common love for our land, the circle of our eternal love for free life, of the undying love of each and every one who was born, loved, worked and fought , died and lives for Kosovo.
We are grateful for the gift of your song that unites us today and forever.
Now let’s celebrate tonight this anniversary that coincides with the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo. For another 50 years of life, filled with music for you, and for an eternity in freedom for Kosovo and Albanians.


Last modified: June 10, 2024

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