Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Prime Minister Kurti attended the concert “The Melody of Freedom”, part of the commemorations taking place during the anniversary of liberation from the Nazi-fascist occupation

May 30, 2024


Pristina, May 30, 2024

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, attended the concert “The Melody of Freedom,” which is part of the commemorations taking place this year during the anniversary of liberation from the Nazi-Fascist occupation, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Kosovo, under the performance of the Armed Forces Wind Orchestra of the Republic of Albania.

In the presence of many guests at this concert, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that fascism, in all its forms, was a great evil, an absolute evil that opposed humanism and enlightenment, which were the most valuable part of European cultural heritage. He said that the fascist occupation of Europe was a test of the basic values of civilization as such.

In his address, Prime Minister Kurti recalled how the Albanian people aided in sheltering and defending persecuted Jews in other countries, resisting handing them over to the occupiers, and underlining the Albanian people’s support in the armed fight against Nazifascism.

“Albanians who fell in the Spanish Civil War, Mujo Ulqinaku since 1939, the disappeared Albanians in extermination camps, and even those who fell in Sanjak and Bosnia in 1945 chasing the Nazis, are our martyrs, those who best testify our alignment against fascism. They are not forgotten and we always remember them”, he said.

The Prime Minister Kurti said he feels proud that Kosovo has aligned with the countries supporting the effort for the freedom of the Ukrainian people, from another fascism, but still fascism, from Russian fascism which has numerous connections and strong influence in our region, in our neighborhood.

At the end of the day, he expressed the government’s commitment to closer fraternal relations with the Republic of Albania.

“The governments and other public institutions of our two countries have a duty to cooperate as closely as possible for the benefit of the Albanian nation and in the spirit of European integration,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Honorable, Mr. Petrit Malaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Kosovo,
Honorable Members of Parliament and Government Ministers,
Honorable Mr. Perparim Rama, Mayor of the Municipality of Pristina,
Honorable generals, officers and soldiers of Kosovo, Albania, and allied nations,
Excellencies, ambassadors, and representatives of accredited states in the Republic of Kosovo with their diplomatic representatives,
Honorable art lovers,
Honorable attendees,
Ladies and gentleman,
Sisters and brothers,

Thank you for the invitation to the concert “The Melody of Freedom”, which is part of the commemorations taking place this year during the anniversary of liberation from Nazifascist occupation.

The program includes songs and musical pieces from the repertoire of our artists and composers from other countries, to remind us of the open world we live in today. This open world, at least in terms of artistic and cultural aspects, would not have been possible if the issue of freedom did not prevail against fascist and communist totalitarianisms. Shortly after the Nazis seized power in Germany, they burned books and paintings in the bonfire that did not conform to the doctrine and spirit of fascism. Less than a decade later, they would burn the bodies of the people they had previously suffocated in the gas chambers. From rejecting and banning so-called decadent literature, arts and science, to rejecting and exterminating so-called inferior peoples.

Hence, fascism, in all its variations, was a significant evil, an ultimate wrong that stood against humanism and enlightenment, which were the most esteemed aspects of European cultural heritage. The fascist occupation of Europe was a test for the fundamental values of civilization as such. Many men and women were not afraid, but faced this ordeal in different ways, either by preserving works of art, with the belief that they would be necessary for the cultural renaissance after the storm of fascism had passed. Others did their best to save people persecuted by fascism. The Albanian people are proud that they sheltered and protected those Jews who were persecuted in other countries and did not hand them over to the occupier.

Moreover, the Albanian population contributed with their support in the armed fight against Nazifascism. Albanians who fell in the Spanish Civil War, Mujo Ulqinaku since 1939, the disappeared Albanians in extermination camps, and even those who fell in Sanjak and Bosnia in 1945 chasing the Nazis, are our martyrs, those who best testify our alignment against fascism. They are not forgotten and we always remember them.

The non-realization of the aspirations of our martyrs for a free, peaceful and just world does not invalidate their sacrifice. The fact that immediately after the victory, our people were invaded, massacred, and subjected to a different kind of totalitarianism does not diminish our contribution to the global fight against Nazifascism. Our nation’s effort continued for decades even against left-wing totalitarianism, which in former Yugoslavia was seen as foreign imposition, and experienced with so much suffering, loss, pain, but was also felt difficult and heavy by many citizens in Albania who did not stop dreaming and acting for the free world.

In today’s Europe, freedom is about human rights, free market, democracy and parliamentarism, rule of law, and social solidarity. Institutionally, freedom is embodied and protected by institutions such as NATO, the European Union, the Council of Europe, etc. As the Prime Minister of the youngest state in Europe, a free, sovereign, and democratic state, recognized by democratic countries worldwide, I am proud that Kosovo has been accepted as an associate member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, is on the verge of membership in the Council of Europe, and has submitted an application for membership in the European Union. We are walking straight on the right path, even though it may not be a short one. I am also proud that Kosovo has aligned itself with the countries supporting the effort for the freedom of the Ukrainian people, from another fascism, but still fascism, from Russian fascism which has many connections and strong influence in our region, in our neighborhood.

Our grandparents lived during the time of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco’s fascism. While, we are living in the time of Putin’s fascism. Anti-fascism is once again extremely important and it must and will prevail.

Allow me, Your Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania, to take this opportunity to once again express the commitment of the government I lead to closer and fraternal relations with the Republic of Albania. The governments and other public institutions of our two countries have a duty to cooperate as closely as possible for the benefit of the Albanian nation and in the spirit of European integration.

At last, I express heartfelt gratitude to the artists for the show and the pleasure they will bring us tonight, and I wish you ongoing success!

Glory to the national martyrs!

Last modified: June 3, 2024

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