Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed British representatives within the project “Independent, responsible, meritocratic and professional recruitment in Kosovo”

May 28, 2024

Prishtina, 28 May, 2024

This morning, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, received the ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Jonathan Hargreaves, together with representatives of the British Embassy in the framework of the project “Independent, responsible recruitment, meritocratic and professional in Kosovo”.

In his speech, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the success of the recruitment project in Kosovo, while adding that they have a long way to go to build a recruitment system based on meritocracy in the public sector.

He added that independent, responsible, merit-based and professional recruitment is essential for the future of Kosovo.

Prime Minister Kurti also underlined the importance of eliminating the gender gap, where 40% of appointed professionals are women, assessing this as a high priority for the government.
“One of the biggest achievements since 2021 is that 40% of appointed professionals are women, helping to close the gender gap and break the glass ceiling for women—a high priority for our government. The project has also generated numerous methods to cultivate a culture of respect for ability and excellence within our institutions. A prime example is the “Process Map,” a comprehensive manual that describes best recruitment practices in accordance with our laws and regulations,” Prime Minister Kurti said.

In the end, he thanked the representatives of the project and the British embassy for their contribution and support and called for more transparency, accountability and meritocracy in similar processes, for a brighter future for Kosovo.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear Jonathan Hargreaves, ambassador of the United Kingdom in the Republic of Kosova,
Dear senior recruitments project representatives,
Dear participants,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning,

It’s a pleasure to have you here this morning to celebrate the culmination of the highly-regarded recruitment project in Kosova. While we have a long road ahead in building a more rigorous merit-based system in the public sector, it is important to recognize this notable milestone in our collective endeavors for meritocracy. I am certain that the impact of our efforts will continue to serve Kosova well beyond today.

This recruitment project has been successful in selecting the most qualified candidates for numerous leading positions. One of its greatest achievements since 2021 is that 40% of the appointed professionals are women, helping to eliminate the gender gap and break the glass ceiling for women—a high priority for our government. The project has also generated numerous methods to cultivate a culture of respect for attitude and excellence within our institutions. A prime example is the “Process Map,” a comprehensive manual that outlines the best recruiting practices in alignment with our laws and regulations.

While the tools and resources developed through this project are of high value and serve our joint mission, it is important to acknowledge the setbacks as well: out of 100 processes, 46 were completed, and 44 individuals were hired. Relatively low rate of completion raises questions regarding practicality, legality, and good conduct.

The sun always rises but so do the questions, which I’ll answer them together and progress together forward.

Building a well-integrated holistic system will take time, but this project has provided more than just tools and resources. It has demonstrated the encouraging precision in each step, which is the true measure of value.

Independent, accountable, merit-based, and professional recruitment is essential for our country’s future. It ensures that the best candidates are chosen based on their qualifications and abilities, enhancing public trust and confidence in our institutions and paving the way for sustainable development and democratic governance.

Thank you for your dedication, hard work, contribution, and may we witness many more victories that lead to just and fair systems.

Thank you! Faleminderit!


Last modified: May 29, 2024

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