Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated in the organization of the celebration of the Independence Day of Montenegro

May 27, 2024

Prishtina, 27 May, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the reception organized by the Association of Montenegro on the occasion of the Independence Day of Montenegro.
In his speech, Prime Minister Kurti congratulated the Montenegrin state on its 18th anniversary of independence, describing it as a day of stability, unity and determination of the Montenegrin nation. He emphasized the common vision for strong democracy, North Atlantic orientation and membership in the European Union.

Underlining that the relationship between our two countries is based on common values and mutual respect, the prime minister added that the friendship with Montenegro has a rich history and includes political, economic and cultural ties, and we are working together to realize infrastructure projects that bring us closer to each other, in the connection of Peja with Rozhaja, Deçan with Plava.

At the end of his speech, Prime Minister Kurti expressed his gratitude for the contribution of Montenegro, which twenty-five years ago became a refuge for more than a hundred thousand citizens of Kosovo.

“Kosovo will always be grateful, it will not forget the humanity shown by Montenegro as a state and by its citizens.

Therefore, once again I want to express our appreciation for your support and friendship,” concluded the Prime Minister.

Participating in this reception were also the third Deputy Prime Minister for Minority Affairs and Human Rights, Emilija Rexhepi, the Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rashić and the Deputy Minister, Lazar Radulović, as well as other institutional representatives.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:
Hvala vam gospodina, zamenika ministra gospodin Raduloviq,
Gospođa zamenica premijera Emiljia Rexhepi,
Gospodin Erduan Demiq,
Gospođa Fedisa Daciq,
The honorable mayor of the municipality of Peja,
Dear representatives of institutions,
Ladies and gentleman,

Montenegro’s Independence Day is a day of stability, unity and determination of your nation. On this important day, we join you in celebrating the achievements and progress that Montenegro has made over the years. We reaffirm our common vision for a strong democracy, North Atlantic orientation and membership in the European Union.

The relationship between our two countries is based on common values and mutual respect. Our friendship with Montenegro has a rich history and includes political, economic and cultural ties.
Last night at the International Theater Festival in Pristina, the performance “Bloody Moon” was given by the National Theater of Montenegro, while today in our National Gallery I visited the exhibition of our precious artist, Gjelosh Gjokaj.

As two democratic states, we have cooperated closely to promote peace in our region. We are proud to consider Montenegro a friend and ally. This connection is made closer by the Albanian and Montenegrin communities, who live and actively contribute to the development of our two countries.
Together, we are working to promote trade and investments, as well as for the realization of joint infrastructure projects, which connect Peja with Rozhajë, Deçan with Plavë, and which will further bring our citizens closer, as well as increase development and regional cooperation. We have spoken with one voice in international forums to protect common Euro-Atlantic values.

Kosovo is a country that is evidenced by multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism both in society and in institutions, even here as you can see from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, there are four of us: the Albanian prime minister, the Bosnian deputy, the minister Nenad Rashiq, a Serb, and the deputy minister Raduloviq, a Montenegrin.

We have said it many times, but it is never too much to repeat, that we are deeply grateful to Montenegro, that here, twenty-five years ago, it became a refuge for more than a hundred thousand citizens of Kosovo, in the day’s worst of our recent history. Kosovo will always be grateful, it will not forget the humanity shown by Montenegro as a state and by its citizens.

So, once again I want to express our appreciation for your support and friendship.

Happy 18th anniversary of Montenegro’s Independence!

Čestitam vam Dan nezavisnosti!

Last modified: May 29, 2024

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