Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti at the closing ceremony of the population census: We have collected important data that will help in future planning

May 25, 2024

Prishtina, 25 May, 2024

In recognition of the completion of the process of Census of Population, Family Economy and Housing in Kosovo, started on April 5, 2024, the Statistics Agency of Kosovo, in cooperation with UNDP, organized today a closing ceremony of this very important process state and social. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in this ceremony.

He expressed his happiness for the successful completion of the population census, after a full 13 years when it was done for the last time, stressing that this is a very important stage of our country’s progress and that we are all happy about this success.

Prime Minister Kurti has thanked all the citizens who have opened their doors and hearts to our recorders, for whom he said they have collected important data that will help in future planning. He also thanked the teams of enumerators, all the staff of the Kosovo Statistics Agency, and all the supporters of this process.

“The collected data will be the basis for better policies, strategies and decisions, for an even faster and more stable development of our country. In particular, I thank our international partners for their cooperation. Together we can achieve everything, be counted and happy”, said Prime Minister Kurti in his speech to the audience.

For the realization and successful completion of this process, international institutions have also given valuable support and contribution, including: Eurostat, UNECE, UNFPA, UNDP and many other international organizations in Kosovo, for which we are also grateful and grateful.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

The honorable Mr. Avni Kastrati, acting executive director of the Statistics Agency of Kosovo,
Honorable Mr. Nuno Queiros, Head of UNDP in Kosovo,
Dear attendees,
Ladies and gentleman,

I am happy about the occasion for which we have gathered here today: the successful completion of the population census, after a full 13 years since it was last conducted. This is a very important stage in the progress of our country and we are all happy about this success!

We thank all the citizens who have opened their doors and hearts to our registrars. We have collected important data that will help in future planning.

A special thanks goes to the team of enumerators, all the staff of the Kosovo Statistics Agency, and all the supporters of this process: a great job has been done, so please, since that’s what I wrote in the speech, one more round of applause for all you!

The collected data will be the basis for better policies, strategies and decisions, for an even faster and more sustainable development of our country. In particular, I thank our international partners for their cooperation. Together we can achieve everything, be counted and happy.

And finally, let me thank Mr. Queiros, who has always been by our side in this process, who in his early years had many skeptics. But now we are slowly entering the last week of May and all the optimists were right, and the pessimists have joined them, since we have not left anyone unaccounted for.

Thank you very much Mr. Queirós, your support and help through all the process is very much appreciated, and for data lovers for excel sheet freaks they’ve gotten their golden data.

Thank you very much.

Last modified: May 27, 2024

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