Zyra e Kryeministrit

206th meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo

May 21, 2024

Prishtina, 21 May, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held a regular meeting in which:

– Approved the initiative of the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers for the negotiation of the Agreement for Social Security between the Republic of Kosovo, represented by the Ministry of Finance, Labor and the Republic of Turkey, represented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. This agreement allows the citizens of both countries their right to contributory pensions, family pensions and work disability pensions.

– Approved the Draft Law on the Ratification of Amendment No. 2 of the Financial Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union for the IPA 2016 Program, through which the deadline for the implementation of the annual IPA 2016 program is extended for two additional years in order to implement projects that have faced delays.

– Approved the Work Regulations of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. In the framework of this Law, we have also foreseen the revision of the Government’s Rules of Procedure to ensure easy communication with the public in the context of decision-making, since our government belongs to the citizen, and the citizen is the center of attention and decision-making of his and his government. The purpose of the new regulation: Regulation of the way of work and decision-making procedures in the Government of the Republic of Kosovo; Determination of rules and procedures for the preparation of planning documents, strategic documents, the drafting of legislation by the Government, their monitoring, reporting and communication with the public.

– Approved the Report on the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Misdemeanor Law. The purpose of this Ex-Post Evaluation Report is to highlight the main challenges in the field of misdemeanors, including those of bodies and institutions in legal, institutional and functional terms, with special emphasis on performing the analysis regarding the implementation and harmonization of this law with other legislation in force.

– Allocated €2,870,000.00 to the Ministry of Regional Development, namely the “Program for Regional Development”, for the support of 25 capital projects in 25 municipalities in accordance with the Agreements and Annexes to the Memorandum of Understanding for capital projects signed by the Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development and the mayors of Municipalities.

– Allocate €300,000.00 to the Ministry of Communities and Return for the realization of the project through agreements with the United Nations Organization.

– 200,000.00 € allocated to the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure for the realization of the project through agreements with the bodies of the United Nations Organization.

– Allocate €100,000.00 to “The Kosovo American Education Fund”, in order to promote the country. In almost 20 years, the Kosovo American Education Fund (KAEF) has supported post-graduate education for over 115 Kosovo graduate students in more than 40 leading universities in the USA.

– Approved the preliminary decision for expropriation in the public interest of the real estate of the former social welfare center “Progres” which is affected by the implementation of the Project: “Construction of the Detention Center and Correctional Institution in Prizren”, for the needs of the Correctional Service of Kosovo/Ministry of Justice, ZK Dushanovo, Prizren Municipality.

– Approved the decision for the further consideration of the request for expropriation in the public interest of the real estate of the owners and interest holders affected by the implementation of the Project: Construction of the Regional Road R221 Cerkolez-Rakosh, Cadastral Areas: Cerkolez, Rakosh, Suhogërle and Uçë, Istog Municipality.

– Approved the decision for the further consideration of the request for expropriation in the public interest of immovable properties which are affected by the realization of the Project: Conservation, Restoration and Construction of the Memorial Complex “Reçak Massacre: ZK Reçak, Municipality of Shtime.

– Voluntarily dissolved the central public enterprise “New Energy Enterprise of Kosovo (NKEC)” Sh.A. It was established in 2018 to support a project for the construction of a new thermal power plant. Since the project has not been realized and the reasons for the existence of the enterprise have ceased, the Government has been recommended to dissolve the enterprise.

– Approved the Performance Report for Public Enterprises for 2022.

– Approved the Drini i Bardhë River Basin Management Plan, which aims to implement and achieve the sustainable objectives of Kosovo’s water resources, as well as the development of the necessary infrastructure.

– Approved the requests of the Kosovo Privatization Agency for the return of funds transferred to the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo, in four social enterprises: JSC “Separacioni i gureve Gadime”, in the amount of €4,114.05; JSC “Energomontimi” in the amount of €106,580.83; JSC “Celiku”, in the amount of €18,223.43 and JSC “KB Baran”, in the amount of €3,051.07.

– Approved the Draft Law for the ratification of the Loan Agreement for the Program of Public Finances and Economic Growth between the Republic of Kosovo and the OPEC Fund for International Development for the program for “Public Finances of Kosovo and Economic Growth.

– Approved the Draft Law for the ratification of the Financial Agreement for the first Program for the Financing of Development Policies for Fiscal Effectiveness, Competitiveness and Green Growth in the Republic of Kosovo, represented by the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers and the International Development Association.

– Appointed ad hoc Committee for Professional Evaluation for admission to the senior position of the Executive Director of the Emergency Management Agency.

Last modified: May 22, 2024

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