Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Prime Minister in Kotor, participated in the dinner with leaders of the region and representatives of the EU and the USA

May 15, 2024

Kotor, 16 May 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in Kotor, Montenegro, where he is staying to participate in the Summit of the leaders of the Western Balkans and the European Union, participated in the dinner with the leaders, hosted by the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic.

In addition to the leaders of the region, the Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs of the US State Department, James C. O’Brien, the European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi and the Director General for Neighborhood and Negotiations of EU Enlargement, Gert Jan Koopman were also present at the dinner..

The Prime Minister emphasized that at this summit he will discuss Kosovo’s progress in the Growth Plan Reform Agenda and regional issues, including the state of implementation of the agreements reached within the Berlin Process.

Today, starting at 9:30, Prime Minister Kurti will be a speaker in the discussion panel “Current situation and future plans – New growth plan”.

This is the third meeting this year between the Western Balkans and the European Union. This time the host of the meeting is the Government of Montenegro, and the summit is being held under the slogan “One region, common vision”.

Last modified: May 16, 2024

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