Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid homage to the cemetery of the martyrs of the nation in Çabrat of Gjakova

May 10, 2024

Çabrat, Gjakova, 10 May, 2024

In memory and in honor of the sacrifice and blood shed for freedom, which is in the foundations of the state and our freedom, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has paid tribute to the cemeteries of the nation’s martyrs in Çabrat of Gjakova.

Accompanied by members of the government cabinet and deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, Prime Minister Kurti met the families of martyrs and martyrs in Gjakova.

The Prime Minister said that Gjakova has given a lot in every war, especially in the last war. In Gjakova we have 361 martyrs and 1022 martyrs. Only in the days between May 7 and 11, 1999, we have 26 martyrs and over 100 martyrs.

“The murders of children, the elderly, women, men, young women and men, these cemeteries where one sees countless families with the same surnames, show that Serbia has practiced genocide in Kosovo and had the aim of exterminating the Albanians. But she has failed in this cruel and anti-human project of hers, and today 25 years later we are stronger and more powerful than ever before”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

He expressed his endless gratitude to the families who are standing so strong and are holding up the pride of our people, who have lost and suffered a lot, but have emerged victorious and there is no one who stops them in democratic, socio-economic progress and European.

“The Kosovo Liberation Army, the disabled and war veterans, the families of the martyrs, are undeniable values of our state and nation, on which we continue to build our bright future for generations to come a better example for this than the grandson of Lule Sharani, Dijari, who when we met here said that he wants to engage in the Kosovo Security Force, in the army of our Republic,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Then, today, together with colleagues from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, we came to meet the family members in Gjakovë, at the martyrs’ and martyrs’ cemeteries in memory and in honor of their sacrifice, of the blood shed for freedom which is in the foundations of the state and our freedom.

Gjakova has given a lot in every fight, especially in the last one. In Gjakova we have 361 martyrs and 1022 martyrs. Only in the days between May 7 and 11, 1999, we have 26 martyrs and over 100 martyrs.

The murders of children, old people, women, men, young women and young men, these cemeteries where one sees countless families with the same surnames, show that Serbia has practiced genocide in Kosovo and had the aim of exterminating the Albanians. But, she has failed in this cruel and anti-human project of hers, and today 25 years later we are stronger and more powerful than ever before.

We have the Kosovo army, we have the Kosovo Police which protects us all around and which will never allow anything similar to happen again, despite the fact that our northern neighbor, Serbia continues to kidnap Albanians as was the case less than a year ago month with Sadik Duraku, who while traveling through Serbia as a transit country, since he lives in Kosovo and the United Kingdom, being a citizen of both, was captured and is being held hostage in Serbia.

Not only do they not repent, not only have they shown no remorse, not only do they prevent truth and justice, but at the same time they continue the old habit in new times and continue with the hostage-taking of Albanians as we are in the time of war.

I have been a bloody prisoner of war. Once a political prisoner, then a prisoner of war who was transferred to Serbia. The same continues even after 25 years for Albanians to be held as prisoners of war there, as is the case with Sadik Duraku, for whom we continue to demand unity with our people and international pressure on Serbia for immediate and unconditional release.
Meanwhile, I eternally thank with infinite gratitude these families who are standing so strong and are holding up the pride of our people, who have lost and suffered a lot, but they have emerged victorious and there is no one to stop them in democratic progress , socio-economic and European.

On this occasion, allow me to emphasize that the Kosovo Liberation Army, the disabled and war veterans, the families of the martyrs, are undeniable values of our state and nation, on which we continue to build our bright future for generations to come. And where is there a better example for this than the grandson of Lule Sharani, Dijari, who when we met here said that he wants to engage in the Kosovo Security Force, in the army of our Republic.

Thank you!

Last modified: May 13, 2024

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