Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute in Polac of Skenderaj

April 7, 2024

Polac, Skenderaj, 7 April, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, paid tribute at the Martyrs’ Memorial Complex in Polac of Skenderaj.

Prime Minister Kurti placed a bouquet of flowers in honor of 78 unarmed civilian victims and 8 martyrs from the Kosovo Liberation Army. During the offensives of the Serbian army and police in the summer of 1998 on the villages of Drenica and especially during the criminal campaigns of the armed forces of Serbia in 1999, 12 people from the Kerolli neighborhood, 11 from the Kabashi neighborhood, 11 from the neighborhood were killed in Polac Veliu, 11 from the Xani neighborhood, 8 from the Koci neighborhood, 4 from the Aliuka neighborhood, 3 from the Hoti neighborhood, as well as from other neighborhoods.

It is very serious, the massacre, the killing of unarmed, defenseless civilians, the attempt to eliminate the traces and corpses, even if there is no justice, said the Prime Minister. He reiterated that the institutions of justice must be committed to accuse, judge and punish the perpetrators, even in absentia. On the one hand, there is the investigative work that must be done by the Prosecutor’s Office, said the Prime Minister, while on the other hand there is the international pressure on Belgrade to open the archives, because operations have not been carried out without the leaders.

He reiterated that the commemoration of victims and martyrs, in addition to being a moral obligation, is also an institutional obligation, so that we never allow the truth to fade into oblivion.

Last modified: April 8, 2024

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