Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid homage to those murdered in the massacre in Burim of Malisheva

March 31, 2024

Malisheva, 31 March 2024

On the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Burim of Malisheva, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, today paid tribute to the civilians murdered on March 31, 1999.

“In “Vrella e Mëhillit” in the village of Burim in Malisheva, 42 Albanians were executed, just because they were Albanians and wanted to live freely in their ancestral land. From 10 years old to 90 years old. As it is also said in the tombstone that was erected here and it is dedicated to them, their graves are our history”, said the Prime Minister.

Accompanied by the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Agon Dobruna, members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as citizens and activists present, the prime minister said that these tributes are being made to remind ourselves and the people, as citizens and as officials of the institutions, how high was the price for our freedom and where the roots of the state we enjoy took place.

Prime Minister Kurti this morning also participated in the commemorative gathering marking the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Pastasel, in the Complex of Martyrs’ Cemetery in Pastasel in Rahovec

Complete statement of the Prime Minister:

With the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, Gani Krasniqi, Mimoza Kusari Lila, Visar Korenica, Jetmira Vrenezi, with the deputy minister Agon Dobruna, with citizens and activists, to remind ourselves and the people as citizens and as officials of institutions, how high the price was for our freedom and where the roots of the state we enjoy took place.

At “Vrella e Mëhillit” in the village of Burim in Malisheva, 42 Albanians were executed just because they were Albanians and wanted to live freely in their ancestral land. From 10 years to 90 years. As it is also said in the tombstone that was erected here and is dedicated to them, their graves are our history.

Glory to all the fallen and martyrs of the Albanian nation!

Last modified: April 2, 2024

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